首都 (shǒu dū): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 首都 translates to “capital city” in English. It is commonly used to refer to the main city of a country or region that serves as the political, cultural, and economic center. For example, Beijing is the 首都 of China, Tokyo is the 首都 of Japan, and Seoul is the 首都 of South Korea. The word 首都 is an important term in Chinese politics and international relations, as it is often used in discussions about diplomacy, trade, and governance.


Noun: capital city


Example Sentences

北京是中国的首都běijīng shì zhōngguó de shǒudūBeijing is the capital of China
首都的建设需要大量的资金和人力shǒudū de jiànshè yàoqiú dàliàng de zījīn hé rénlìBuilding a capital requires a lot of funds and manpower
首都的交通拥堵是一个大问题shǒudū de jiāotōng yōngdǔ shì yīgè dà wèntíTraffic congestion in the capital is a big problem
这个国家的首都非常美丽zhège guójiā de shǒudū fēicháng měilìThe capital of this country is very beautiful
首都的文化底蕴非常深厚shǒudū de wénhuà dǐyùn fēicháng shēnhòuThe cultural heritage of the capital is very profound
一些国家的首都也是最大的城市yīxiē guójiā de shǒudū yě shì zuìdà de chéngshìSome countries’ capitals are also their largest cities
首都的发展是整个国家发展的重要指标shǒudū de fāzhǎn shì zhěnggè guójiā fāzhǎn de zhòngyào zhǐbiāoThe development of the capital is an important indicator of the development of the entire country


首都 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 首都 with Pinyin and English Translation