飞机 (fēi jī): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 飞机 means “airplane” in English. It is a compound word made up of two characters: 飞 meaning “to fly” and 机 meaning “machine”. The word 飞机 is commonly used in spoken and written Chinese to refer to any type of aircraft that can fly through the air, including commercial airliners, military jets, helicopters, and small private planes. It is an important word to know for anyone learning Chinese, especially for those interested in aviation or travel.


Noun: airplane


Example Sentences

我坐飞机去北京wǒ zuò fēijī qù běijīngI am taking a plane to Beijing
飞机起飞了fēijī qǐfēi leThe airplane has taken off
飞机降落在机场fēijī jiàngluò zài jīchǎngThe airplane is landing at the airport
飞机上的餐食很美味fēijī shàng de cānshí hěn měiwèiThe food on the airplane is very delicious
我喜欢坐大型的飞机wǒ xǐhuan zuò dàxíng de fēijīI like to ride on large airplanes
飞机上有很多座位fēijī shàng yǒu hěn duō zuòwèiThere are many seats on the airplane
飞机的速度非常快fēijī de sùdù fēicháng kuàiThe airplane’s speed is very fast
飞机在云层中飞行fēijī zài yún céng zhōng fēixíngThe airplane is flying in the clouds


飞机 is part of HSK Level 1 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 飞机 with Pinyin and English Translation