顺利 (shùn lì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 顺利 means “smoothly” or “successfully”. It is commonly used to describe the outcome of an event or situation that has proceeded without any problems or obstacles. 顺利 is often used in business settings to describe the successful completion of a project or task.


Adjective: smoothly


Example Sentences

这次考试顺利通过了zhè cì kǎoshì shùnlì tōngguò leI passed the exam smoothly this time
他的手术顺利完成了tā de shǒushù shùnlì wánchéng leHis surgery was completed smoothly
我们的旅行非常顺利wǒmen de lǚxíng fēicháng shùnlìOur trip went very smoothly
会议顺利地进行了huìyì shùnlì de jìnxíng leThe meeting went smoothly
他的计划很顺利地实施了tā de jìhuà hěn shùnlì de shíshī leHis plan was implemented smoothly
我们的合作一直很顺利wǒmen de hézuò yīzhí hěn shùnlìOur cooperation has been smooth all along
这个项目的进展非常顺利zhège xiàngmù de jìnzhǎn fēicháng shùnlìThe progress of this project is going very smoothly
他们的关系一直很顺利tāmen de guānxì yīzhí hěn shùnlìTheir relationship has been smooth all along


顺利 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 顺利 with Pinyin and English Translation