遍 (biàn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 遍 means “all over” or “everywhere”. It is commonly used to indicate that something has been done or experienced throughout a particular area or space. For example, if someone says “我去过北京遍了”, it means “I have been all over Beijing”. In this context, 遍 emphasizes that the person has explored many different parts of the city. The word can also be used in other contexts, such as when talking about reading a book or listening to a song multiple times.


Adverb: all over
Measure Word: for a time


Example Sentences

我已经看了这本书两遍了wǒ yǐjīng kànle zhè běn shū liǎng biànleI have already read this book twice
他在这个城市到处走遍了tā zài zhège chéngshì dàochù zǒubiànleHe has traveled all over this city
我需要检查这份报告至少三遍wǒ xūyào jiǎnchá zhè fèn bàogào zhìshǎo sān biànI need to check this report at least three times
我们要在这个地方建造一座桥,需要勘察遍地wǒmen yào zài zhège dìfāng jiànzào yīzuò qiáo, xūyào kānchá biàndìWe need to survey the area thoroughly to build a bridge in this location
这个音乐家的演奏技巧已经传遍了全世界zhège yīnyuèjiā de yǎnzòu jìqiǎo yǐjīng chuánbiànle quán shìjièThis musician’s playing technique has spread all over the world


遍 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 遍 with Pinyin and English Translation