调查 (diào chá): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 调查 means “investigation” or “survey”. It is commonly used in a variety of contexts, such as in criminal investigations, market research, or public opinion polls. For example, a company might conduct a 调查 to gather information about consumer preferences, or a government agency might launch a 调查 to investigate allegations of corruption. The word 调查 can also be used as a verb, as in the sentence “我们需要调查这个问题”, which means “We need to investigate this issue”.


Noun: investigation, survey
Verb: to investigate, to survey


Example Sentences

我们需要进行一项调查来了解客户的需求wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng yī xiàng diàochá lái liǎojiě kèhù de xūqiúWe need to conduct a survey to understand the needs of our customers
调查显示,大多数人更喜欢购买绿色产品diàochá xiǎnshì, dàduōshù rén gèng xǐhuān gòumǎi lǜsè chǎnpǐnSurveys show that most people prefer to buy green products
这项调查的结果表明,学生对校园安全的担忧增加了zhè xiàng diàochá de jiéguǒ biǎomíng, xuéshēng duì xiàoyuán ānquán de dānyōu zēngjiā leThe results of this survey indicate that students’ concerns about campus safety have increased
我们需要对这个问题进行一次深入的调查wǒmen xūyào duì zhège wèntí jìnxíng yī cì shēnrù de diàocháWe need to conduct a thorough investigation into this issue
调查表明,这种药物可以有效地治疗感染diàochá biǎomíng, zhè zhǒng yàowù kěyǐ xiào​yǒu​dì zhìliáo gǎnrǎnSurveys indicate that this medication can effectively treat infections


调查 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 调查 with Pinyin and English Translation