规定 (guī dìng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 规定 means “regulation” or “rule”. It is commonly used in formal settings such as government, business, and education to refer to a set of guidelines or standards that must be followed. For example, a company might have internal regulations for employee conduct, or a school might have regulations for student behavior. In everyday conversation, 规定 can also be used to refer to a specific rule or law, such as a traffic rule or a legal regulation.


Noun: regulation, provision
Verb: to fix, to stipulate


Example Sentences

学校规定,学生不能在校内吸烟xué xiào guī dìng, xué shēng bù néng zài xiào nèi xī yānThe school rules state that students are not allowed to smoke on campus
根据公司规定,员工必须每天按时上班gēn jù gōng sī guī dìng, yuán gōng bì xū měi tiān àn shí shàng bānAccording to company regulations, employees must be on time for work every day
这个城市规定,酒驾者将被吊销驾照zhè gè chéng shì guī dìng, jiǔ jià zhě jiāng bèi diào xiāo jià zhàoThis city’s regulations stipulate that drunk drivers will have their licenses suspended
班级规定,学生必须穿校服上课bān jí guī dìng, xué shēng bì xū chuān xiào fú shàng kèThe class rules state that students must wear uniforms to class
根据国家规定,餐厅必须公示食品安全检测报告gēn jù guó jiā guī dìng, cān tīng bì xū gōng shì shí pǐn ān quán jiǎn cè bào gàoAccording to national regulations, restaurants must publicly display food safety inspection reports


规定 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 规定 with Pinyin and English Translation