耐心 (nài xīn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 耐心 means patience or endurance. It is used to describe the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of difficulty or adversity. In Chinese culture, having 耐心 is considered a virtue and is highly valued in both personal and professional settings. It is often used in phrases such as “请你耐心等一下”, which means “please be patient and wait a moment”.


Noun: patience
Adjective: patient


Example Sentences

我们需要耐心地等待结果wǒmen xūyào nàixīn de děngdài jiéguǒWe need to patiently wait for the results
他非常有耐心,可以教我很多东西tā fēicháng yǒu nàixīn, kěyǐ jiāo wǒ hěnduō dōngxiHe is very patient and can teach me many things
耐心是成功的关键之一nàixīn shì chénggōng de guānjiàn zhī yīPatience is one of the keys to success
做事情要有耐心,不能急躁zuò shìqíng yào yǒu nàixīn, bùnéng jízàoWhen doing things, you need to be patient and not be hasty
老师需要有耐心,才能教好学生lǎoshī xūyào yǒu nàixīn, cái néng jiāo hǎo xuéshēngTeachers need to have patience in order to teach students well
我们需要耐心地解决这个问题wǒmen xūyào nàixīn de jiějué zhège wèntíWe need to patiently solve this problem
学习一门新技能需要耐心和毅力xuéxí yī mén xīn jìnéng xūyào nàixīn hé yìlìLearning a new skill requires patience and perseverance


耐心 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 耐心 with Pinyin and English Translation