继续 (jì xù): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 继续 means “to continue” or “to proceed with”. It is commonly used in everyday conversation to express the idea of carrying on with a particular activity, task, or situation. For example, you might say “我们要继续努力”, which means “We need to continue working hard”. The word 继续 can also be used in more formal contexts, such as in business or academic settings, to convey the same idea of continuing with a particular project or endeavor.


Noun: continuation
Verb: to continue, to go on


Example Sentences

我们必须继续努力wǒmen bìxū jìxù nǔlìWe must continue to work hard
他们决定继续前进tāmen juédìng jìxù qiánjìnThey decided to continue moving forward
这个项目需要继续研究zhège xiàngmù xūyào jìxù yánjiūThis project needs to be continued to be researched
请继续阅读下面的内容qǐng jìxù yuèdú xiàmiàn de nèiróngPlease continue reading the following content
我们可以继续讨论这个问题wǒmen kěyǐ jìxù tǎolùn zhège wèntíWe can continue to discuss this issue
继续学习对你的未来很重要jìxù xuéxí duì nǐ de wèilái hěn zhòngyàoContinuing to learn is important for your future
我们要继续保持联系wǒmen yào jìxù bǎochí liánxìWe need to continue to stay in touch
他们希望能够继续合作tāmen xīwàng nénggòu jìxù hézuòThey hope to continue to cooperate


继续 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 继续 with Pinyin and English Translation