经历 (jīng lì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 经历 means “experience” or “to go through something”. It is often used to describe the experiences that someone has gone through in life, such as a difficult or challenging situation. For example, someone might say “我经历了很多困难” which means “I have experienced a lot of difficulties”. It can also be used to describe the experience of going through a particular event or process, such as “我经历了一次手术” which means “I went through a surgery”.


Noun: experience
Verb: to experience


Example Sentences

我的经历让我更加坚强wǒ de jīnglì ràng wǒ gèngjiā jiānqiángMy experience has made me stronger
经历过失败的人才能真正懂得成功的意义jīnglì guò shībài de rén cáinéng zhēnzhèng dǒngdé chénggōng de yìyìOnly those who have experienced failure truly understand the meaning of success
她的经历充满了挑战和机遇tā de jīnglì chōngmǎn le tiǎozhàn hé jīyùHer experience is full of challenges and opportunities
我们需要更多的经历来丰富我们的人生wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de jīnglì lái fēngfù wǒmen de rénshēngWe need more experiences to enrich our lives
这个项目的成功经历了很多困难和挑战zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng jīnglì le hěnduō kùnnan hé tiǎozhànThe success of this project has gone through many difficulties and challenges
我的经历让我学会了如何处理紧急情况wǒ de jīnglì ràng wǒ xuéhuì le rúhé chǔlǐ jǐnjí qíngkuàngMy experience has taught me how to handle emergency situations


经历 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 经历 with Pinyin and English Translation