红 (hóng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 红 translates to “red” in English. It is a commonly used color in Chinese culture and is associated with good fortune, happiness, and prosperity. The color red is often used in Chinese New Year celebrations, weddings, and other festive occasions. Additionally, the word 红 is also used in idiomatic expressions, such as 红红火火, which means thriving or prosperous.


Noun: dividend
Adjective: red, popular, revolutionary


Example Sentences

我的衣服是红色的wǒ de yīfú shì hóngsè deMy clothes are red
她的唇红齿白tā de chún hóng chǐ báiHer lips are red and her teeth are white
红色代表热情和爱hóngsè dàibiǎo rèqíng hé àiRed represents passion and love
我喜欢红色的玫瑰花wǒ xǐhuan hóngsè de méiguī huāI like red roses
红烧肉是中国菜的一道经典菜hóngshāo ròu shì zhōngguó cài de yī dào jīngdiǎn càiBraised pork belly is a classic Chinese dish
红酒是一种受欢迎的饮料hóngjiǔ shì yī zhǒng shòu huānyíng de yǐnliàoRed wine is a popular beverage
红色警报意味着危险hóngsè jǐngbào yìwèizhe wēixiǎnA red alert means danger
我的脸因为太阳晒得红红的wǒ de liǎn yīnwèi tàiyáng shài dé hónghóng deMy face is red from being in the sun


红 is part of HSK Level 2 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 红 with Pinyin and English Translation