笑话 (xiào hua): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 笑话 means “joke” or “funny story”. It is commonly used to refer to any humorous story, anecdote or one-liner that is intended to make people laugh. 笑话 is often shared among friends, family or colleagues as a way to lighten the mood or break the ice in a social situation. 笑话 can be found in various forms such as books, TV shows, movies, and stand-up comedy.


Noun: joke


Example Sentences

为什么猪不能玩电脑?wèi shén me zhū bù néng wán diàn nǎo?Why can’t pigs play computer games?
为什么狗总是摇尾巴?wèi shén me gǒu zǒng shì yáo wěi bā?Why do dogs always wag their tails?
为什么小鸟不会说话?wèi shén me xiǎo niǎo bù huì shuō huà?Why can’t birds talk?
为什么鱼不会开车?wèi shén me yú bù huì kāi chē?Why can’t fish drive cars?
为什么蜜蜂总是忙碌?wèi shén me mì fēng zǒng shì máng lù?Why are bees always busy?
为什么猫喜欢吃鱼?wèi shén me māo xǐ huān chī yú?Why do cats like to eat fish?
为什么鸭子总是呱呱叫?wèi shén me yā zǐ zǒng shì guā guā jiào?Why do ducks always quack?
为什么熊总是睡觉?wèi shén me xióng zǒng shì shuì jiào?Why do bears always sleep?


笑话 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 笑话 with Pinyin and English Translation