社会 (shè huì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 社会 refers to “society” in English. It is used to describe the collective community of individuals living in a particular region or country, and the various social, economic, and cultural structures that govern their interactions. In Chinese culture, 社会 is a fundamental concept that is deeply ingrained in the way people think and behave. It is often used in discussions about social issues, politics, and economics, and is considered an essential part of understanding the world around us.


Noun: society


Example Sentences

社会发展迅速shèhuì fāzhǎn xùnsùRapid social development
社会问题越来越多shèhuì wèntí yuè lái yuè duōMore and more social problems
社会经济状况不容乐观shèhuì jīngjì zhuàngkuàng bù róng lèguānThe social and economic situation is not optimistic
社会风气需要改变shèhuì fēngqì xūyào gǎibiànThe social atmosphere needs to be changed
社会关系很重要shèhuì guānxì hěn zhòngyàoSocial relationships are very important
社会制度需要改革shèhuì zhìdù xūyào gǎigéSocial systems need to be reformed
社会治安局势不稳定shèhuì zhì’ān júshì bù wěndìngThe social security situation is unstable
社会进步需要每个人的努力shèhuì jìnbù xūyào měi gèrén de nǔlìSocial progress requires the efforts of every individual


社会 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 社会 with Pinyin and English Translation