礼貌 (lǐ mào): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 礼貌 refers to politeness or courtesy. It is used to describe respectful behavior and proper manners in social interactions. In Chinese culture, 礼貌 is highly valued and considered an important aspect of interpersonal communication. People are expected to show 礼貌 in various situations, such as greeting others, addressing elders, and showing gratitude. Failure to display 礼貌 can be seen as disrespectful or rude.


Noun: politeness, courtesy


Example Sentences

请勿大声喧哗,保持礼貌qǐng wù dà shēng xuān huá, bǎo chí lǐ màoPlease do not make loud noises and maintain politeness
礼貌是一种基本的社交技能lǐ mào shì yī zhǒng jī běn de shè jiāo jì néngPoliteness is a basic social skill
在国外旅行时,应该了解当地的礼貌习惯zài guó wài lǚ xíng shí, yīng gāi liǎo jiě dāng dì de lǐ mào xí guànWhen traveling abroad, one should understand the local etiquette
礼貌的言辞可以化解许多冲突lǐ mào de yán cí kě yǐ huà jiě xǔ duō chōng tūPolite words can resolve many conflicts
礼貌的行为能够让人感到舒适和尊重lǐ mào de xíng wéi néng gòu ràng rén gǎn dào shū shì hé zūn zhòngPolite behavior can make people feel comfortable and respected
礼貌的举止和谈吐是一个人品格的体现lǐ mào de jǔ zhǐ hé tán tǔ shì yī gè rén pǐn gé de tǐ xiànPolite demeanor and speech are a reflection of a person’s character


礼貌 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 礼貌 with Pinyin and English Translation