相同 (xiāng tóng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 相同 means “same” or “identical”. It is used to describe things that are exactly alike, such as two identical objects or two people who have the same name. The word can be used in a variety of contexts, from discussing similarities between two things to expressing agreement with someone’s statement or opinion. For example, you might say “这两个苹果相同” to indicate that two apples are the same, or “我认为你说的话和我想的相同” to express that you agree with someone’s thoughts or ideas.


Adjective: identical, same


Example Sentences

这两个单词的发音相同zhè liǎng gè dān cí de fā yīn xiāng tóngThe pronunciation of these two words is the same
我们的想法相同wǒmen de xiǎng fǎ xiāng tóngOur ideas are the same
他们的房间布置相同tāmen de fáng jiān bù zhì xiāng tóngTheir rooms are decorated the same
这两个问题的答案相同zhè liǎng gè wèn tí de dá àn xiāng tóngThe answers to these two questions are the same
我们的目标相同wǒmen de mù biāo xiāng tóngOur goals are the same
这两个图案看起来很相同zhè liǎng gè tú àn kàn qǐ lái hěn xiāng tóngThese two patterns look very similar
他们的性格很相同tāmen de xìng gé hěn xiāng tóngTheir personalities are very similar
这两个人的声音相同zhè liǎng gè rén de shēng yīn xiāng tóngThe voices of these two people are the same


相同 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 相同 with Pinyin and English Translation