直接 (zhí jiē): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 直接 means “direct” or “immediate”. It is often used to describe actions or events that happen without any intervening steps or processes. For example, you might say “他直接去了商店”, which means “He went directly to the store”. In this context, 直接 emphasizes that there were no other stops or detours along the way. The word can also be used to describe communication, as in “直接跟他说”, which means “Speak to him directly”.


Adjective: direct, immediate


Example Sentences

我们直接去商店买东西wǒmen zhíjiē qù shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxiWe’ll go directly to the store to buy things
他直接跳过那一部分tā zhíjiē tiào guò nà yī bùfènHe skipped that part directly
我们需要直接面对问题wǒmen xūyào zhíjiē miàn duì wèntíWe need to face the problem directly
他直接回答了我的问题tā zhíjiē huídále wǒ de wèntíHe answered my question directly
我们直接坐飞机去了上海wǒmen zhíjiē zuò fēijī qùle shànghǎiWe directly took a plane to Shanghai
他直接拒绝了我的邀请tā zhíjiē jùjuéle wǒ de yāoqǐngHe directly refused my invitation
我们直接联系了客户wǒmen zhíjiē liánxìle kèhùWe directly contacted the client
他直接告诉了我真相tā zhíjiē gàosùle wǒ zhēnxiàngHe directly told me the truth


直接 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 直接 with Pinyin and English Translation