理解 (lǐ jiě): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 理解 means “to understand” or “to comprehend”. It is commonly used in everyday conversation and written communication to express the idea of grasping or comprehending a concept, idea, or situation. For example, one might say “我理解你的感受” which translates to “I understand your feelings”. In a more formal context, the word 理解 can also be used to describe the process of interpreting or analyzing information, such as in a scientific or legal context.


Noun: comprehension, understanding
Verb: to comprehend, to understand


Example Sentences

我很理解你的感受wǒ hěn lǐjiě nǐ de gǎnshòuI understand your feelings very well
我们需要理解不同文化之间的差异wǒmen xūyào lǐjiě bùtóng wénhuà zhījiān de chāyìWe need to understand the differences between different cultures
她的话我不太理解tā de huà wǒ bù tài lǐjiěI don’t quite understand what she’s saying
理解别人的观点是很重要的lǐjiě biérén de guāndiǎn shì hěn zhòngyào deUnderstanding other people’s perspectives is very important
我们应该尝试理解彼此的立场wǒmen yīnggāi chángshì lǐjiě bǐcǐ de lìchǎngWe should try to understand each other’s positions
我需要一些时间来理解这个问题wǒ xūyào yīxiē shíjiān lái lǐjiě zhège wèntíI need some time to understand this issue
他的英语不太好,我们需要用简单的语言来帮助他理解tā de yīngyǔ bù tài hǎo, wǒmen xūyào yòng jiǎndān de yǔyán lái bāngzhù tā lǐjiěHis English is not very good, so we need to use simple language to help him understand


理解 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 理解 with Pinyin and English Translation