猜 (cāi): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 猜 means “to guess” or “to speculate”. It is commonly used in daily conversation when someone is trying to make an educated guess about something. For example, if someone asks you to guess how old they are, you could respond with “我猜你大概是三十岁”, which means “I guess you’re probably around 30 years old”. The word 猜 can also be used in the context of guessing games or riddles.


Verb: to guess


Example Sentences

你能猜出这个谜语的答案吗?nǐ néng cāi chū zhè ge mí yǔ de dá àn ma?Can you guess the answer to this riddle?
我们来玩猜谜游戏吧wǒ men lái wán cāi mí yóu xì baLet’s play a guessing game
他猜错了我的年龄tā cāi cuò le wǒ de nián língHe guessed my age wrong
我猜她今天会来wǒ cāi tā jīn tiān huì láiI guess she will come today
你能猜出这首歌的名字吗?nǐ néng cāi chū zhè shǒu gē de míng zì ma?Can you guess the name of this song?
我猜他不会来参加聚会wǒ cāi tā bù huì lái cān jiā jù huìI guess he won’t come to the party
我们猜测这个项目会成功wǒ men cāi cè zhè ge xiàng mù huì chéng gōngWe speculate that this project will be successful
他猜到了我的想法tā cāi dào le wǒ de xiǎng fǎHe guessed my thoughts


猜 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 猜 with Pinyin and English Translation