烦恼 (fán nǎo): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 烦恼 means “trouble” or “distress”. It is often used to describe a feeling of being bothered or frustrated by something. For example, if someone is experiencing a lot of stress at work, they might say “我很烦恼” which means “I am very troubled/distressed”. The word can also be used to describe a situation that is causing trouble or difficulty, such as “这个问题很烦恼” which means “This problem is very troublesome”.


Noun: worries
Adjective: worried, troubled


Example Sentences

他的烦恼是失业tā de fánnǎo shì shīyèHis worry is unemployment
我的烦恼是考试wǒ de fánnǎo shì kǎoshìMy worry is exams
她的烦恼是家庭问题tā de fánnǎo shì jiātíng wèntíHer worry is family problems
我的烦恼是时间不够wǒ de fánnǎo shì shíjiān bùgòuMy worry is not enough time
他的烦恼是身体不好tā de fánnǎo shì shēntǐ bù hǎoHis worry is poor health
她的烦恼是感情问题tā de fánnǎo shì gǎnqíng wèntíHer worry is relationship problems
我的烦恼是经济压力wǒ de fánnǎo shì jīngjì yālìMy worry is financial pressure
他的烦恼是生活不顺利tā de fánnǎo shì shēnghuó bù shùnlìHis worry is that life is not going smoothly


烦恼 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 7-9.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 烦恼 with Pinyin and English Translation