火 (huǒ): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 火 means “fire” in English. It is a noun that refers to the hot, glowing material that is produced by burning or combustion. In Chinese culture, fire is often associated with energy, passion, and transformation. The word 火 is also used in various idiomatic expressions and phrases, such as 火车 for “train” and 火锅 for “hot pot”.


Noun: fire
Adjective: hot, popular, trendy


Example Sentences

火车快到站了huǒchē kuài dào zhàn leThe train is arriving at the station soon
火锅里的食材很多huǒguō lǐ de shícài hěn duōThere are many ingredients in the hot pot
昨天晚上天空有很多烟火zuótiān wǎnshàng tiānkōng yǒu hěn duō yānhuǒThere were many fireworks in the sky last night
火山爆发了huǒshān bàofā leThe volcano erupted
火热的天气让人很难受huǒrè de tiānqì ràng rén hěn nánshòuThe hot weather makes people very uncomfortable
她的眼睛里充满了火气tā de yǎnjīng lǐ chōngmǎn le huǒqìThere was fire in her eyes
火车站里人很多huǒchē zhàn lǐ rén hěn duōThere are many people in the train station
火车突然停了下来huǒchē tūrán tíng le xiàláiThe train suddenly stopped


火 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3 and HSK Level 4.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 火 with Pinyin and English Translation