汗 (hàn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 汗 means “sweat” in English. It is commonly used to describe the moisture that is produced by the body when it is hot or during physical activity. The word can also be used in idiomatic expressions, such as “大汗淋漓”, which means “drenched in sweat” or “sweating profusely”. In addition, the word 汗 can also be used in a verb, such as in the phrase “出汗”, which means “to sweat” or “to perspire”.


Noun: sweat


Example Sentences

我跑了一圈就开始冒汗了wǒ pǎo le yī quān jiù kāishǐ mào hàn leI started sweating after running one lap
这个房间太潮湿了,到处都是汗zhège fángjiān tài cháoshī le, dàochù dōu shì hànThis room is too humid, there is sweat everywhere
他紧张得满头大汗tā jǐnzhāng de mǎntóu dà hànHe was so nervous that he was sweating profusely
我们得赶快走,不然会被汗淋湿wǒmen děi gǎnkuài zǒu, bùrán huì bèi hàn lín shīWe need to hurry up and leave, otherwise we will be drenched in sweat
这个夏天真是热得让人汗流浃背zhège xiàtiān zhēnshi rè de ràng rén hàn liú jiā bèiThis summer is so hot that people are sweating profusely
她在操场上跑步跑得汗流浃背tā zài cāochǎng shàng pǎobù pǎo de hàn liú jiā bèiShe was running on the playground and sweating profusely
这个工作让我累得直冒汗zhège gōngzuò ràng wǒ lèi de zhí mào hànThis job is making me so tired that I’m sweating profusely


汗 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 汗 with Pinyin and English Translation