气候 (qì hòu): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 气候 refers to the climate or weather conditions of a particular region or area. It can be used to describe the overall temperature, humidity, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions that are typical of a certain location. For example, one might say “这个地区的气候非常湿润”, which means “the climate in this region is very humid”. 气候 is an important concept in many fields, including agriculture, ecology, and urban planning.


Noun: climate, atmosphere


Example Sentences

中国的气候因地域差异而不同zhōngguó de qìhòu yīn dìyù chāyì ér bùtóngThe climate in China varies due to regional differences
气候变化对生态系统造成了很大的影响qìhòu biànhuà duì shēngtài xìtǒng zàochéngle hěn dà de yǐngxiǎngClimate change has a significant impact on ecosystems
这个地区的气候很干燥,需要定期灌溉zhège dìqū de qìhòu hěn gānzào, xūyào dìngqī guàngàiThe climate in this region is very dry and requires regular irrigation
研究气候变化是当今的热门话题yánjiū qìhòu biànhuà shì dāngjīn de rèmén huàtíStudying climate change is a hot topic today
非洲的气候条件适合种植某些热带作物fēizhōu de qìhòu tiáojiàn shìhé zhòngzhí mǒu xiē rèdài zuòwùThe climate conditions in Africa are suitable for growing some tropical crops
气候变化已经导致了许多极端天气事件qìhòu biànhuà yǐjīng dǎozhìle xǔduō jíduān tiānqì shìjiànClimate change has already led to many extreme weather events


气候 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 气候 with Pinyin and English Translation