母亲 (mǔ qīn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word “母亲” means “mother” in English. It is a term of endearment used to refer to one’s biological or adoptive mother. In Chinese culture, the mother is highly respected and revered for her role in raising and nurturing her children. The term “母亲” is commonly used in everyday conversation, as well as in formal settings. It is also used in literature, poetry, and music to express emotions related to maternal love and care.


Noun: mother


Example Sentences

我的母亲很勤劳,每天早上都会做早餐wǒ de mǔqīn hěn qínláo, měi tiān zǎo shàng dōu huì zuò zǎocānMy mother is very hardworking, she makes breakfast every morning
她是我们家的母亲,也是我们的好朋友tā shì wǒmen jiā de mǔqīn, yě shì wǒmen de hǎo péngyǒuShe is the mother of our family and also our good friend
母亲节是一个表达对母亲感激之情的节日mǔqīn jié shì yī gè biǎodá duì mǔqīn gǎnjī zhī qíng de jiérìMother’s Day is a holiday to express gratitude to mothers
她的母亲是一位非常有才华的画家tā de mǔqīn shì yī wèi fēicháng yǒu cáihuá de huàjiāHer mother is a very talented painter
我的母亲总是鼓励我追求自己的梦想wǒ de mǔqīn zǒng shì gǔlì wǒ zhuīqiú zìjǐ de mèngxiǎngMy mother always encourages me to pursue my dreams


母亲 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 母亲 with Pinyin and English Translation