正确 (zhèng què): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word “正确” means “correct” or “right”. It is commonly used in everyday conversation to indicate that something is accurate, true, or appropriate. For example, if someone asks if they have the correct answer to a question, the response may be “是的,你的答案是正确的” which means “Yes, your answer is correct”.


Adjective: correct, proper


Example Sentences

我必须保持正确的态度wǒ bìxū bǎochí zhèngquè de tàidùI must maintain the correct attitude
你的答案是正确的nǐ de dá’àn shì zhèngquè deYour answer is correct
这个计划的执行必须是正确的zhège jìhuà de zhíxíng bìxū shì zhèngquè deThe execution of this plan must be correct
他的观点是正确的tā de guāndiǎn shì zhèngquè deHis point of view is correct
我们必须采取正确的措施wǒmen bìxū cǎiqǔ zhèngquè de cuòshīWe must take the correct measures
你必须按照正确的程序操作nǐ bìxū ànzhào zhèngquè de chéngxù cāozuòYou must operate according to the correct procedure
这个结论是正确的zhège jiélùn shì zhèngquè deThis conclusion is correct
他的做法是正确的tā de zuòfǎ shì zhèngquè deHis approach is correct


正确 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 正确 with Pinyin and English Translation