正式 (zhèng shì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 正式 means “formal” or “official”. It is commonly used in formal settings such as business meetings, ceremonies, or official documents. For example, when introducing oneself in a business meeting, one might say “我来介绍一下,我是公司的正式代表”, which translates to “Let me introduce myself, I am the official representative of the company”. In Chinese culture, using the appropriate level of formality is important to show respect and maintain good relationships.


Adjective: formal, official


Example Sentences

今天是我们公司的正式开业典礼jīntiān shì wǒmen gōngsī de zhèngshì kāiyè diǎnlǐToday is the official opening ceremony of our company
我们需要一份正式的合同来保障我们的权益wǒmen xūyào yī fèn zhèngshì de hétóng lái bǎozhàng wǒmen de quányìWe need a formal contract to protect our rights and interests
请穿正式的衣服参加这个晚宴qǐng chuān zhèngshì de yīfú cānjiā zhège wǎnyànPlease wear formal clothes to attend this banquet
这是一份正式的邀请函,请务必确认是否能参加zhè shì yī fèn zhèngshì de yāoqǐnghán, qǐng wùbì quèrèn shìfǒu néng cānjiāThis is a formal invitation, please make sure to confirm whether you can attend
我们需要进行正式的面试程序来选择最合适的人选wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng zhèngshì de miànshì chéngxù lái xuǎnzé zuì héshì de rén xuǎnWe need to follow a formal interview process to select the most suitable candidate
请在正式开学前完成所有的注册手续qǐng zài zhèngshì kāixué qián wánchéng suǒyǒu de zhùcè shǒuxùPlease complete all registration procedures before the official start of the school


正式 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 正式 with Pinyin and English Translation