撞 (zhuàng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 撞 means “to collide” or “to bump into”. It is commonly used to describe accidents or collisions, such as when two cars collide on the road. It can also be used in a figurative sense, such as when two people collide in a heated argument. In addition, 撞 can be used in the context of hitting or striking something, such as when a hammer collides with a nail. Overall, 撞 is a versatile word that is used in a variety of situations to describe the act of colliding or bumping into something.


Verb: to hit, to bump against, to collide, to run into


Example Sentences

他撞到了墙上tā zhuàng dào le qiáng shàngHe bumped into the wall
那辆车撞了一只狗nà liàng chē zhuàng le yì zhī gǒuThe car hit a dog
我们的车撞了一辆卡车wǒmen de chē zhuàng le yì liàng kǎchēOur car collided with a truck
他们俩撞了个正着tāmen liǎ zhuàng le gè zhèng zheThey bumped into each other head-on
这个箱子撞到了地上,发出了巨响zhège xiāngzi zhuàng dào le dì shàng, fāchū le jù xiǎngThe box fell to the ground with a loud bang
这个人撞了一下自行车,差点儿摔倒了zhège rén zhuàng le yí xià zìxíngchē, chà diǎn er shuāidǎo leThe person hit the bike and almost fell down
那个男孩不小心撞了一个女孩,立刻向她道歉nàgè nánhái bù xiǎoxīn zhuàng le yí gè nǚhái, lìkè xiàng tā dàoqiànThe boy accidentally bumped into a girl and immediately apologized to her


撞 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 撞 with Pinyin and English Translation