握手 (wò shǒu): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 握手 literally means “to hold hands”. It is commonly used to refer to the act of shaking hands, which is a common greeting in both formal and informal situations in Chinese culture. When meeting someone for the first time or in a business setting, it is customary to offer a handshake as a sign of respect and goodwill. The gesture is also used to express congratulations or gratitude, and is often accompanied by a slight bow or nod of the head.


Verb: to shake hands


Example Sentences

我们握手吧wǒmen wòshǒu baLet’s shake hands
握手是表示尊重的一种方式wòshǒu shì biǎoshì zūnzhòng de yī zhǒng fāngshìShaking hands is a way of showing respect
他握手的时候很有力气tā wòshǒu de shíhou hěn yǒu lìqiHe has a strong handshake
我们在见面的时候握了一下手wǒmen zài jiànmiàn de shíhou wò le yīxià shǒuWe shook hands when we met
握手是西方国家的一种礼节wòshǒu shì xīfāng guójiā de yī zhǒng lǐjiéShaking hands is a custom in Western countries
他握手的时候总是笑眯眯的tā wòshǒu de shíhou zǒng shì xiàomīmī deHe always smiles when he shakes hands
握手可以传递友好的信息wòshǒu kěyǐ chuándì yǒuhǎo de xìnxīShaking hands can convey friendly messages
我们握手结束了这次会议wǒmen wòshǒu jiéshù le zhè cì huìyìWe ended the meeting with a handshake


握手 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 握手 with Pinyin and English Translation