掉 (diào): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 掉 means “to drop” or “to fall”. It is commonly used to describe the action of something falling or dropping from a higher position to a lower one. For example, you might say “苹果掉了” to mean “the apple fell down”. It can also be used in a figurative sense to describe something that has decreased or lost value, such as “价格掉了”, which means “the price dropped”.


Verb: to fall, to drop, to lose, to turn


Example Sentences

我的手机掉在地上了wǒ de shǒujī diào zài dìshàng leMy phone fell on the ground
他的眼镜掉了,他看不清楚了tā de yǎnjìng diào le, tā kàn bù qīngchǔ leHis glasses fell off and he couldn’t see clearly
这个苹果掉在了地上,不能吃了zhège píngguǒ diào zài le dìshàng, bùnéng chī leThis apple fell on the ground and can’t be eaten
他的钥匙掉在了沙发下面tā de yàoshi diào zài le shāfā xiàmiànHis keys fell under the sofa
她的耳环掉了,她找不到了tā de ěrhuán diào le, tā zhǎo bù dào leHer earring fell off and she couldn’t find it
我的牙齿掉了,我需要去看牙医wǒ de yáchǐ diào le, wǒ xūyào qù kàn yáyīMy tooth fell out and I need to go to the dentist
他的衣服掉了一粒扣子tā de yīfú diào le yī lì kòuziOne button fell off his shirt
这个球掉进了河里,我们捞不到了zhège qiú diào jìn le hé lǐ, wǒmen lāo bù dào leThe ball fell into the river and we can’t retrieve it


掉 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 掉 with Pinyin and English Translation