成功 (chéng gōng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 成功 means “success” or “to succeed”. It is commonly used in a variety of contexts, such as personal achievements, business endeavors, and academic pursuits. For example, one might say “我成功了” to mean “I succeeded” or “我希望你能成功” to mean “I hope you can succeed”. The word 成功 is an important concept in Chinese culture, as it is often associated with hard work, determination, and perseverance.


Noun: success
Verb: to succeed


Example Sentences

他终于成功了tā zhōngyú chénggōng leHe finally succeeded
她在工作上取得了巨大的成功tā zài gōngzuò shàng qǔdé le jùdà de chénggōngShe achieved great success in her work
这个项目的成功要归功于整个团队的努力zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng yào guīgòng yú zhěnggè tuánduì de nǔlìThe success of this project is attributed to the efforts of the entire team
他的成功是靠自己的努力和才智得来的tā de chénggōng shì kào zìjǐ de nǔlì hé cáizhì dé lái deHis success came from his own hard work and talent
她的成功是她一直以来的梦想tā de chénggōng shì tā yīzhí yǐlái de mèngxiǎngHer success has been her dream all along
这个公司的成功离不开市场的支持zhège gōngsī de chénggōng lí bùkāi shìchǎng de zhīchíThe success of this company is inseparable from the support of the market
成功并不是一蹴而就的,需要持之以恒的努力chénggōng bìng bùshì yīcù’éryì de, xūyào chízhīyǐhéng de nǔlìSuccess is not achieved overnight, it requires persistent effort


成功 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 成功 with Pinyin and English Translation