性别 (xìng bié): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 性别 refers to gender or sex. It is used to distinguish between male and female individuals or animals, and is commonly used in official documents such as identification cards and passports. In everyday conversation, it can also be used to ask about someone’s gender or to describe someone’s gender identity. The word is composed of two characters: 性 meaning “nature” or “characteristic”, and 别 meaning “distinction” or “difference”.


Noun: gender, sex


Example Sentences

他的性别是男性tā de xìngbié shì nánxìngHis gender is male
她的性别是女性tā de xìngbié shì nǚxìngHer gender is female
性别不应该影响一个人的能力xìngbié bù yīnggāi yǐngxiǎng yīgè rén de nénglìGender should not affect a person’s abilities
我们应该尊重每个人的性别认同wǒmen yīnggāi zūnzhòng měi gè rén de xìngbié rèntóngWe should respect everyone’s gender identity
性别歧视是不合理的xìngbié qíshì shì bù hélǐ deGender discrimination is unreasonable
他们的性别不同,但是他们都是很好的朋友tāmen de xìngbié bùtóng, dànshì tāmen dōu shì hěn hǎo de péngyǒuTheir genders are different, but they are all good friends
在某些国家,性别比例可能不平衡zài mǒuxiē guójiā, xìngbié bǐlì kěnéng bù pínghéngIn some countries, the gender ratio may be unbalanced
性别是一个复杂的话题,需要深入讨论xìngbié shì yīgè fùzá de huàtí, xūyào shēnrù tǎolùnGender is a complex topic that requires in-depth discussion


性别 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 性别 with Pinyin and English Translation