往 (wǎng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 往 is a preposition that means “to”, “toward”, or “in the direction of”. It is often used to indicate movement or direction, such as “往左走” meaning “go left”, or “往上爬” meaning “climb up”. It can also be used in the context of time, such as “往年” meaning “in previous years”. Additionally, 往 can be used as a verb to mean “to go” or “to head towards”, as in “他往公司走” meaning “he is heading to the company”.


Verb: to go
Relative Clause: towards, to


Example Sentences

我们往左拐wǒmen wǎng zuǒ guǎiWe turn left
他往前走了一段路tā wǎng qián zǒu le yī duàn lùHe walked a distance ahead
她往右看了一下tā wǎng yòu kàn le yī xiàShe looked to the right for a moment
他往回走了tā wǎng huí zǒu leHe walked back
我们往上爬wǒmen wǎng shàng páWe climb up
火车往南开huǒchē wǎng nán kāiThe train is heading south
他往外跑了tā wǎng wài pǎo leHe ran outside
我们往下走wǒmen wǎng xià zǒuWe go down


往 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 往 with Pinyin and English Translation