开玩笑 (kāi wán xiào): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 开玩笑 means “to joke” or “to make a joke”. It is commonly used in casual conversations to express humor or to lighten the mood. For example, if someone says something that is obviously untrue, you can respond by saying “你在开玩笑吧?”, which means “Are you joking?”. The phrase can also be used to apologize for a joke that may have been taken the wrong way, as in “对不起,我只是开玩笑”, which means “Sorry, I was just joking”.


Verb: to play a joke, to make fun of


Example Sentences

你别当真,我们只是在开玩笑nǐ bié dāngzhēn, wǒmen zhǐshì zài kāiwánxiàoDon’t take it seriously, we’re just joking
他说他要辞职,我以为他在开玩笑tā shuō tā yào cízhí, wǒ yǐwéi tā zài kāiwánxiàoHe said he was going to resign, I thought he was joking
我们不应该开玩笑地对待这个问题wǒmen bù yīnggāi kāiwánxiào de duìdài zhège wèntíWe shouldn’t treat this issue as a joke
他喜欢开玩笑,但是他也很认真tā xǐhuān kāiwánxiào, dànshì tā yě hěn rènzhēnHe likes to joke around, but he’s also very serious
我们可以开玩笑,但是不要伤害别人wǒmen kěyǐ kāiwánxiào, dànshì bùyào shānghài biérénWe can joke around, but we shouldn’t hurt others
他的幽默感很强,经常让人开玩笑tā de yōumò gǎn hěn qiáng, jīngcháng ràng rén kāiwánxiàoHe has a strong sense of humor and often makes people laugh


开玩笑 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 1.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 开玩笑 with Pinyin and English Translation