层 (céng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 层 means “layer” or “floor”. It is used to describe the different levels or floors of a building or structure, as well as the layers of an object or material. For example, you might say “这个建筑有十层” to indicate that a building has ten floors, or “这个蛋糕有三层” to describe a cake with three layers. The word 层 is also commonly used in idiomatic expressions, such as “一层又一层”, which means “layer upon layer”.


Noun: layer, floor
Measure Word: for layer, story, floor


Example Sentences

这栋大楼有十层zhè dòng dà lóu yǒu shí céngThis building has ten floors
我们住在六层wǒmen zhù zài liù céngWe live on the sixth floor
这个蛋糕有三层zhège dàngāo yǒu sān céngThis cake has three layers
这是一层很厚的油漆zhè shì yī céng hěn hòu de yóuqīThis is a very thick layer of paint
这个城市有很多高楼大厦,都有好几十层zhège chéngshì yǒu hěn duō gāolóu dàshà, dōu yǒu hǎojǐ shí céngThis city has many skyscrapers, all of which have several tens of floors
我们在这个地方挖了一层地下室wǒmen zài zhège dìfāng wā le yī céng dìxiàshìWe dug a basement layer in this place
装修工人正在铺设地板第二层zhuāngxiū gōngrén zhèngzài pūshè dìbǎn dìèr céngThe renovation workers are laying the second layer of the floor
这个葡萄酒有一层浓郁的果香味zhège pútáojiǔ yǒu yī céng nóngyù de guǒxiāng wèiThis wine has a rich fruity aroma layer


层 is part of HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 层 with Pinyin and English Translation