害羞 (hài xiū): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 害羞 means “shy” or “bashful”. It is commonly used to describe a person who is hesitant or uncomfortable in social situations, or who is easily embarrassed. The term can also be used to describe a feeling or emotion, such as feeling shy or embarrassed in a particular situation. In Chinese culture, being modest and humble is often valued, so being “害羞” is not necessarily seen as a negative trait.


Adjective: shy


Example Sentences

我见到他就会害羞wǒ jiàn dào tā jiù huì hài xiūI get shy when I see him
她的害羞让她不敢说话tā de hài xiū ràng tā bù gǎn shuō huàHer shyness makes her too scared to speak
他的害羞让他不敢与人交流tā de hài xiū ràng tā bù gǎn yǔ rén jiāo liúHis shyness makes him too scared to socialize with people
她的害羞让她不敢面对自己的问题tā de hài xiū ràng tā bù gǎn miàn duì zì jǐ de wèn tíHer shyness makes her too scared to face her own problems
我的害羞让我不敢表达自己的想法wǒ de hài xiū ràng wǒ bù gǎn biǎo dá zì jǐ de xiǎng fǎMy shyness makes me too scared to express my own ideas
她的害羞让她错过了很多机会tā de hài xiū ràng tā cuò guò le hěn duō jī huìHer shyness made her miss out on many opportunities
我的害羞让我感到很不自在wǒ de hài xiū ràng wǒ gǎn dào hěn bù zì zàiMy shyness makes me feel very uncomfortable


害羞 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 7-9.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 害羞 with Pinyin and English Translation