基础 (jī chǔ): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 基础 means “foundation” or “basis”. It is often used to refer to the fundamental knowledge or skills that are necessary to build upon in order to achieve greater success or understanding. For example, in education, students are often taught the basics or fundamentals of a subject as a foundation for more advanced learning. In business, a strong foundation of basic principles and practices is essential for long-term success. Overall, 基础 is an important concept in many areas of life, emphasizing the importance of starting with a solid foundation in order to achieve greater heights.


Noun: base, foundation, basis


Example Sentences

学好基础知识很重要xué hǎo jīchǔ zhīshì hěn zhòngyàoIt’s important to learn the basics well
这是我们学习的基础zhè shì wǒmen xuéxí de jīchǔThis is the foundation of our learning
他的语言基础很扎实tā de yǔyán jīchǔ hěn zhāshíHis language foundation is very solid
基础打得好,后面进步会更快jīchǔ dǎ de hǎo, hòumiàn jìnbù huì gèng kuàiIf the foundation is good, progress will be faster later on
建立良好的基础关系很重要jiànlì liánghǎo de jīchǔ guānxì hěn zhòngyàoEstablishing a good foundation relationship is important
这个项目的进展受到基础设施的限制zhège xiàngmù de jìnzhǎn shòudào jīchǔ shèshī de xiànzhìThe progress of this project is limited by the infrastructure
这个理论基础很难理解zhège lǐlùn jīchǔ hěn nán lǐjiěThis theoretical foundation is difficult to understand
没有良好的基础,学习会很吃力méiyǒu liánghǎo de jīchǔ, xuéxí huì hěn chīlìWithout a good foundation, learning will be difficult


基础 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 基础 with Pinyin and English Translation