困难 (kùn nan): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 困难 means “difficulty” or “hardship”. It is commonly used to describe a challenging situation or problem that someone is facing. For example, someone might say “我遇到了一些困难”, which means “I have encountered some difficulties”.


Noun: difficulty, problem
Adjective: difficult


Example Sentences

这项任务非常困难zhè xiàng rènwù fēicháng kùnnánThis task is very difficult
我们面临着很大的困难wǒmen miànlínzhe hěn dà de kùnnánWe are facing great difficulties
在新的环境中生活可能会有些困难zài xīn de huánjìng zhōng shēnghuó kěnéng huì yǒuxiē kùnnánLiving in a new environment may be a bit difficult
他们正处于经济困难时期tāmen zhèng chǔyú jīngjì kùnnán shíqīThey are going through an economic difficult period
我们需要克服这些困难wǒmen xūyào kèfú zhèxiē kùnnánWe need to overcome these difficulties
这个问题比较困难,需要更多的时间来解决zhège wèntí bǐjiào kùnnán, xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān lái jiějuéThis problem is quite difficult and requires more time to solve
他们在困难时期互相支持tāmen zài kùnnán shíqī hùxiāng zhīchíThey support each other during difficult times
面对困难,我们不能轻易放弃miàn duì kùnnán, wǒmen bùnéng qīngyì fàngqìIn the face of difficulties, we cannot easily give up


困难 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 困难 with Pinyin and English Translation