咸 (xián): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 咸 means “salty” in English. It is commonly used to describe the taste of food that has a high concentration of salt. In Chinese cuisine, 咸 is often used to enhance the flavor of dishes, especially in savory dishes like soups and stews.


Adjective: salty


Example Sentences

这道菜有点咸zhè dào cài yǒudiǎn xiánThis dish is a bit salty
我不喜欢吃太咸的食物wǒ bù xǐhuan chī tài xián de shíwùI don’t like to eat food that’s too salty
咸味的薯片是我的最爱xián wèi de shǔpiàn shì wǒ de zuì àiSalted potato chips are my favorite
这种酱油比那种酱油更咸zhè zhǒng jiàngyóu bǐ nà zhǒng jiàngyóu gèng xiánThis soy sauce is saltier than that soy sauce
咸的食物会让我口渴xián de shíwù huì ràng wǒ kǒu kěSalty food makes me thirsty
我喜欢在煮米饭的时候加一点咸wǒ xǐhuan zài zhǔ mǐfàn de shíhòu jiā yīdiǎn xiánI like to add a little salt when cooking rice
这种饼干既甜又咸zhè zhǒng bǐnggān jì tián yòu xiánThis cookie is both sweet and salty
看来这道菜的咸味不够kàn lái zhè dào cài de xián wèi bùgòuIt seems like this dish isn’t salty enough


咸 is part of HSK Level 4 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 咸 with Pinyin and English Translation