呀 (ya): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word “呀” is a particle that is often used to express surprise or emphasis. It is similar to the English words “oh” or “wow”. It can also be used to soften the tone of a sentence or to make a request sound more polite.


Particle: to express surprise or doubt


Example Sentences

看,那边有只小狗呀!kàn, nà biān yǒu zhī xiǎo gǒu ya!Look, there’s a little dog over there!
你要来吃饭呀?nǐ yào lái chīfàn ya?Are you coming to eat?
她的生日快到了呀!tā de shēngrì kuài dàole ya!Her birthday is coming soon!
好热呀,我要喝水hǎo rè ya, wǒ yào hē shuǐIt’s so hot, I need to drink water
快看,那里有只小鸟呀!kuài kàn, nàlǐ yǒu zhī xiǎo niǎo ya!Look, there’s a little bird over there!
你喜欢吃这个呀?nǐ xǐhuān chī zhège ya?Do you like to eat this?
我们要走了呀,再见!wǒmen yào zǒule ya, zàijiàn!We’re leaving now, goodbye!
她唱歌真好听呀!tā chànggē zhēn hǎotīng ya!She sings really well!


呀 is part of HSK Level 4 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 呀 with Pinyin and English Translation