后来 (hòu lái): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 后来 means “later” or “afterwards”. It is commonly used to describe events that have occurred after a certain point in time, or to indicate a change in circumstances. For example, you might say “后来我去了北京” which means “Later on, I went to Beijing”. The word 后来 can also be used to express a sense of regret or hindsight, as in “后来我才知道” which means “Later on, I found out”.


Adverb: afterwards, later


Example Sentences

后来他终于明白了自己的错误hòulái tā zhōngyú míngbái le zìjǐ de cuòwùEventually, he understood his mistake
我们一开始并不喜欢这个地方,但是后来我们爱上了它wǒmen yī kāishǐ bìng bù xǐhuān zhège dìfāng, dànshì hòulái wǒmen ài shàng le tāWe didn’t like this place at first, but later we fell in love with it
我本来不想去的,但是后来我还是去了wǒ běnlái bù xiǎng qù de, dànshì hòulái wǒ háishì qù leI didn’t want to go originally, but later I still went
后来他成为了一名著名的画家hòulái tā chéngwéi le yī míng zhùmíng de huàjiāLater, he became a famous painter
我们一开始打算去海边,但是后来改变了主意wǒmen yī kāishǐ dǎsuàn qù hǎibiān, dànshì hòulái gǎibiàn le zhǔyìWe initially planned to go to the beach, but later changed our minds


后来 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 后来 with Pinyin and English Translation