合适 (hé shì): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 合适 means “suitable” or “appropriate”. This word is commonly used in everyday conversation to describe something that is fitting or appropriate for a particular situation. For example, you might say that a certain outfit is 合适 for a formal occasion, or that a particular job is 合适 for someone with a certain set of skills. It can also be used to describe a relationship or match between two things, such as when you say that two people are 合适 for each other.


Adjective: suitable, appropriate


Example Sentences

这件衣服很合适zhè jiàn yīfú hěn héshìThis piece of clothing fits very well
这个时间段对我很合适zhège shíjiānduàn duì wǒ hěn héshìThis time frame works well for me
这个地方不太合适居住zhège dìfāng bù tài héshì jūzhùThis place is not very suitable for living
这个工作很合适我的技能zhège gōngzuò hěn héshì wǒ de jìnéngThis job is very suitable for my skills
这个餐厅的氛围很合适约会zhège cāntīng de fēnwéi hěn héshì yuēhuìThe atmosphere of this restaurant is very suitable for a date
这个颜色合适你的肤色zhège yánsè héshì nǐ de fūsèThis color suits your skin tone
这个价格对我来说不太合适zhège jiàgé duì wǒ lái shuō bù tài héshìThis price is not very suitable for me
这个方案很合适解决这个问题zhège fāng’àn hěn héshì jiějué zhège wèntíThis plan is very suitable for solving this problem


合适 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 合适 with Pinyin and English Translation