合格 (hé gé): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 合格 means “qualified” or “eligible”. It is used to describe someone or something that meets the necessary requirements or standards. For example, if you pass an exam or meet the criteria for a job, you can be said to be 合格. It can also be used to describe the quality of a product, indicating that it meets the required standards or specifications. In general, 合格 is a useful word for indicating that something or someone is up to par and meets the necessary standards.


Adjective: qualified


Example Sentences

这个学生的考试成绩很好,他已经合格了zhège xuéshēng de kǎoshì chéngjī hěn hǎo, tā yǐjīng hégéleThis student did well on the exam and has already passed
我们必须确保每个产品都是合格的,以保证客户的满意度wǒmen bìxū quèbǎo měi gè chǎnpǐn dōu shì hégé de, yǐ bǎozhèng kèhù de mǎnyì dùWe must ensure that every product is qualified to ensure customer satisfaction
这个工人的技能已经达到了合格水平,他可以开始工作了zhège gōngrén de jìnéng yǐjīng dádàole hégé shuǐpíng, tā kěyǐ kāishǐ gōngzuòleThis worker’s skills have reached the qualified level, and he can start working now
我要向老师证明自己是一个合格的学生,所以我会更加努力学习wǒ yào xiàng lǎoshī zhèngmíng zìjǐ shì yīgè hégé de xuéshēng, suǒyǐ wǒ huì gèngjiā nǔlì xuéxíI want to prove to my teacher that I am a qualified student, so I will study harder


合格 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 合格 with Pinyin and English Translation