只要 (zhǐ yào): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 只要 is a conjunction that means “as long as” or “provided that”. It is commonly used to express a condition or requirement for something to happen or be achieved. For example, “只要你努力学习,你就能取得好成绩” means “As long as you study hard, you’ll be able to achieve good grades”.


Conjunction: if only, as long as


Example Sentences

只要你努力,就能成功zhǐyào nǐ nǔlì, jiù néng chénggōngAs long as you work hard, you can succeed
只要天气好,我们就去爬山zhǐyào tiānqì hǎo, wǒmen jiù qù páshānAs long as the weather is good, we will go mountain climbing
只要你愿意,我就陪你去zhǐyào nǐ yuànyì, wǒ jiù péi nǐ qùAs long as you are willing, I will accompany you
只要有时间,我就会去看你zhǐyào yǒu shíjiān, wǒ jiù huì qù kàn nǐAs long as I have time, I will go see you
只要你有需要,我就会帮助你zhǐyào nǐ yǒu xūyào, wǒ jiù huì bāngzhù nǐAs long as you need it, I will help you
只要认真学习,考试就不难zhǐyào rènzhēn xuéxí, kǎoshì jiù bù nánAs long as you study hard, the exam won’t be difficult
只要你不放弃,就一定能成功zhǐyào nǐ bù fàngqì, jiù yídìng néng chénggōngAs long as you don’t give up, you will definitely succeed


只要 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 只要 with Pinyin and English Translation