即使 (jí shǐ): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word “即使” is often translated as “even if” or “even though”. It is used to express a hypothetical situation, where something may or may not be true, but regardless of the outcome, a particular action or circumstance will still occur. For example, “即使下雨,我还是要去” means “Even if it rains, I still have to go”.


Conjunction: even if, even though


Example Sentences

即使下雨,我也要去跑步jí shǐ xià yǔ, wǒ yě yào qù pǎo bùEven if it rains, I still want to go for a run
即使你不同意,我也会继续做我认为对的事情jí shǐ nǐ bù tóng yì, wǒ yě huì jì xù zuò wǒ rèn wéi duì de shì qíngEven if you disagree, I will still do what I think is right
即使他很累,他也不会停下来jí shǐ tā hěn lèi, tā yě bù huì tíng xià láiEven if he is tired, he will not stop
即使你不说,我也知道你在生气jí shǐ nǐ bù shuō, wǒ yě zhī dào nǐ zài shēng qìEven if you don’t say it, I know you’re angry
即使你不去,我也会去jí shǐ nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě huì qùEven if you don’t go, I will still go
即使他迟到了,他也不会错过这个机会jí shǐ tā chí dào le, tā yě bù huì cuò guò zhè ge jī huìEven if he is late, he will not miss this opportunity


即使 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 5.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 即使 with Pinyin and English Translation