力气 (lì qi): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 力气 means “strength” or “physical power”. It is often used in phrases such as “用力气” which means “to exert physical effort”. It can also be used to describe someone’s physical ability or stamina, such as “他的力气很大” which means “he has a lot of strength”. Overall, 力气 is a common and important word in Chinese, used frequently in everyday conversation.


Noun: strength


Example Sentences

我的力气不够了wǒ de lìqì bùgòu leI don’t have enough strength
他用尽了所有的力气tā yòng jìn le suǒyǒu de lìqìHe used all his strength
她的力气比我大tā de lìqì bǐ wǒ dàHer strength is greater than mine
我需要更多的力气来完成这项任务wǒ xūyào gèng duō de lìqì lái wánchéng zhè xiàng rènwùI need more strength to complete this task
他的力气很弱,不能扛重物tā de lìqì hěn ruò, bùnéng káng zhòngwùHis strength is weak and he can’t carry heavy objects
她的力气来自于每天的锻炼tā de lìqì láizì yú měitiān de duànliànHer strength comes from daily exercise
他的力气让他在比赛中获胜tā de lìqì ràng tā zài bǐsài zhōng huòshèngHis strength helped him win the competition
我们需要集体的力气才能完成这个项目wǒmen xūyào jítǐ de lìqì cáinéng wánchéng zhège xiàngmùWe need collective strength to complete this project


力气 is part of HSK Level 4 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 力气 with Pinyin and English Translation