其中 (qí zhōng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 其中 is a preposition that means “among, in, within”. It is used to indicate a specific object or person within a group or category. For example, “他们三个人中,其中一个是我的朋友” means “Among the three of them, one of them is my friend”. 其中 is often used in formal or academic writing, but can also be used in casual conversation.


Adverb: among, in


Example Sentences

我们学校有很多课程,其中包括中文wǒmen xuéxiào yǒu hěn duō kèchéng, qízhōng bāokuò zhōngwénOur school has many courses, including Chinese
这个书包有很多口袋,其中一个可以装笔zhège shūbāo yǒu hěn duō kǒudài, qízhōng yīgè kěyǐ zhuāng bǐThis backpack has many pockets, one of which can hold pens
这个城市有很多景点,其中最著名的是长城zhège chéngshì yǒu hěn duō jǐngdiǎn, qízhōng zuì zhùmíng de shì chángchéngThis city has many attractions, the most famous of which is the Great Wall
这个菜单有很多菜式,其中有些是辣的zhège càidān yǒu hěn duō càishì, qízhōng yǒuxiē shì là deThis menu has many dishes, some of which are spicy
我买了一本书,其中的故事很有趣wǒ mǎile yī běn shū, qízhōng de gùshì hěn yǒuqùI bought a book, the stories in which are very interesting


其中 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 其中 with Pinyin and English Translation