兴奋 (xīng fèn): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 兴奋 means “excited” or “enthusiastic”. It is commonly used to describe a feeling of heightened energy or anticipation, often in response to something positive or exciting. For example, if someone is looking forward to a concert or a vacation, they might say they are feeling 兴奋. It can also be used to describe a physical reaction, such as a racing heart or increased breathing rate. In general, 兴奋 is a positive and energetic word that conveys a sense of enthusiasm and excitement.


Noun: excitement
Adjective: excited


Example Sentences

我感到很兴奋,因为我要去旅游wǒ gǎndào hěn xīngfèn, yīnwèi wǒ yào qù lǚyóuI feel very excited because I’m going on a trip
他听到自己的歌曲在电台播放,感到非常兴奋tā tīngdào zìjǐ de gēqǔ zài diàntái bōfàng, gǎndào fēicháng xīngfènHe felt extremely excited when he heard his song playing on the radio
她的心情兴奋得无法入眠tā de xīnqíng xīngfèn de wúfǎ rù miánShe was so excited that she couldn’t fall asleep
我们的团队赢得了比赛,大家都感到非常兴奋wǒmen de tuánduì yíng déle bǐsài, dàjiā dōu gǎndào fēicháng xīngfènOur team won the game and everyone was extremely excited
小孩子们看到糖果,都会感到非常兴奋xiǎo háizi men kàn dào tángguǒ, dōu huì gǎndào fēicháng xīngfènChildren get very excited when they see candy


兴奋 is part of HSK Level 4 in both HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 兴奋 with Pinyin and English Translation