光 (guāng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 光 generally means “light” or “brightness”. It can also be used to indicate “completely” or “entirely” when used in certain phrases. For example, the phrase 光荣 means “glory” or “honor”, while the phrase 光明磊落 means “upright and honest”.


Noun: light, ray
Adjective: naked
Adverb: only, merely


Example Sentences

太阳的光很刺眼tàiyáng de guāng hěn cìyǎnThe sunlight is very dazzling
月光下,我的心情很平静yuèguāng xià, wǒ de xīnqíng hěn píngjìngUnder the moonlight, my mood is very peaceful
这个房间的光线很暗zhège fángjiān de guāngxiàn hěn ànThe lighting in this room is very dim
这盏灯的光很柔和zhè zhǎn dēng de guāng hěn róuhéThe light from this lamp is very soft
看到她的笑容,我感觉到了内心的光明kàn dào tā de xiàoróng, wǒ gǎnjué dàole nèixīn de guāngmíngSeeing her smile, I felt the light in my heart
他的眼睛里闪着光tā de yǎnjīng lǐ shǎn zhe guāngThere is a glint in his eyes
我们要保护地球上的自然资源,让大自然的光芒永远闪耀wǒmen yào bǎohù dìqiú shàng de zìrán zīyuán, ràng dà zìrán de guāngmáng yǒngyuǎn shǎnyàoWe need to protect the natural resources on Earth and let the light of nature shine forever


光 is part of HSK Level 4 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 3.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 光 with Pinyin and English Translation