HSK 6 Vocabulary List for HSK 3.0

Below you can find a list of all HSK 6 vocabularies for HSK 3.0 which was launched in 2021. The below are only for HSK 6, you’ll also have to familiarize yourself with the vocabularies for HSK 1-5 to pass the test. We also have a list of the older HSK 6 vocabularies for HSK 2.0.


áiVerb: to endure, to suffer
挨打ái dǎVerb: to take a beating
挨着āi zheAdjective: near
安检ān jiǎnNoun: safety check


罢工bà gōngNoun: strike
Verb: to go on strike
罢了bà lePronoun: to indicate that that’s all, not much there
百分点bǎi fēn diǎnNoun: percentage point
白领bái lǐngNoun: white collar worker
办公bàn gōngVerb: to work (office work)
半决赛bàn jué sàiNoun: semi-final
办事处bàn shì chùNoun: office, branch office
办学bàn xuéVerb: to run a school
傍晚bàng wǎnTime: towards evening, at nightfall
bàoVerb: to explode, to burst, to quick fry
爆发bào fāVerb: to erupt, to break out, to explode
暴风雨bào fēng yǔNoun: rainstorm
保健bǎo jiànNoun: health protection
Verb: to maintain good health
报刊bào kānNoun: the press
报考bào kǎoVerb: to sign up for an exam
暴力bào lìNoun: violence
暴露bào lùVerb: to expose, to reveal
抱歉bào qiànExpression: sorry! my apologies!
暴雨bào yǔNoun: torrential rain
爆炸bào zhàNoun: explosion
Verb: to explode, to blow up
悲惨bēi cǎnAdjective: tragic, miserable
被告bèi gàoNoun: defendant
背心bèi xīnNoun: vest, tank top
背着bèi zheVerb: to carry sth. or sbd.
běnAdverb: originally
Pronoun: this
本地běn dìAdjective: local
奔跑bēn pǎoVerb: to run fast
本期běn qīNoun: current period
本身běn shēnPronoun: itself, in itself
本土běn tǔNoun: one’s native country
本质běn zhìNoun: essence, nature
Verb: to force sbd. to do sth.
Verb: to close, to shut
必将bì jiāngAdverb: inevitably
笔试bǐ shìNoun: written examination
必修bì xiūNoun: a required course
biǎnAdjective: flat
便biànVerb: to relieve oneself
Adjective: convenient, handy
Adverb: then, in that case
遍地biàn dìAdverb: everywhere
变更biàn gēngNoun: modification
Verb: to modify, to change
变换biàn huànNoun: transformation
Verb: to transform, to convert
便是biàn shìAdverb: precisely, exactly
变形biàn xíngNoun: deformation
Verb: to become deformed
边缘biān yuánNoun: edge, fringe, brink
编制biān zhìVerb: to weave, to work out, to draw up
表面上biǎo miàn shangAdverb: on the surface, appearing as if
病房bìng fángNoun: ward, hospital room
病情bìng qíngNoun: state of an illness, patient’s condition
Verb: to broadcast, to spread, to sow
拨打bō dǎVerb: to call, to dial
波动bō dòngNoun: wave motion
Verb: to fluctuate, to rise and fall
波浪bō làngNoun: wave
Verb: to catch, to seize, to capture
不便bú biànAdjective: inconvenient
不成bù chéngExpression: won’t do, not possible
部队bù duìNoun: army, troops
不见bú jiànVerb: to not see, to have disappeared, to be missing
不禁bù jīnAdverb: can’t help, can’t refrain from
不仅仅bù jǐn jǐnAdverb: not only (but also)
补考bǔ kǎoVerb: to resit an exam, to sit for a makeup exam
补课bǔ kèVerb: to make up missed lesson, to reschedule a class
不料bú liàoAdverb: unexpectedly
布满bù mǎnVerb: to cover with
不通bù tōngAdjective: blocked, obstructed
补习bǔ xíVerb: to take extra lessons
不再bù zàiAdverb: no more, no longer
不怎么bù zěn meAdverb: not very, not particularly
不怎么样bù zěn me yàngVerb: not be particularly great
不值bù zhíAdverb: not worth
不至于bù zhì yúAdverb: not as bad as, not be that extreme
补助bǔ zhùNoun: subsidy, allowance


cǎiVerb: to stamp on, to step, to press a pedal
采纳cǎi nàVerb: to accept, to adopt
cānNoun: meal
Verb: to eat
Measure Word: for meals
cǎnAdjective: miserable, tragic
残疾cán jíNoun: disability, deformity
Adjective: disabled, handicapped
残疾人cán jí rénNoun: disabled person
残酷cán kùNoun: cruelty
Adjective: cruel, brutal
参赛cān sàiVerb: to take part in a competition
参展cān zhǎnVerb: to exhibit, to take part in a trade show
cángVerb: to hide
仓库cāng kùNoun: storehouse, warehouse, depot
操纵cāo zòngVerb: to operate, to control, to handle
Noun: side
Verb: to incline, to lean
Adjective: inclined
测定cè dìngVerb: to survey, to evaluate
策划cè huàVerb: to plan, to plot, to engineer
策略cè lüèNoun: tactics
厕所cè suǒNoun: toilet
层面céng miànNoun: plane, level
查出chá chūVerb: to discover
查看chá kànVerb: to examine, to check up
差异chā yìNoun: difference, discrepancy
拆迁chāi qiānVerb: to demolish a building and relocate people
产量chǎn liàngNoun: output
场地chǎng dìNoun: space, place
长短cháng duǎnNoun: length, duration
场馆chǎng guǎnNoun: arena, venue
常规cháng​ guīNoun: convention, routine
Adjective: conventional
长假cháng jiàNoun: long vacation
场景chǎng jǐngNoun: scene, scenario
长久cháng jiǔTime: long time
常年cháng niánTime: throughout the year
长跑cháng pǎoNoun: long-distance running
厂商chǎng shāngNoun: company
昌盛chāng shèngAdjective: prosperous
畅通chàng tōngAdjective: unblocked, free-flowing
长远cháng yuǎnAdjective: long-term
chāoVerb: to exceed
chǎoVerb: to fry
超出chāo chūVerb: to exceed, to overstep, to go too far
炒股chǎo gǔVerb: to speculate in stocks
炒作chǎo zuòVerb: to hype, to promote
车号chē hàoNoun: license number (car)
撤离chè líNoun: evacuation
Verb: to evacuate
车牌chē páiNoun: license plate
撤销chè xiāoVerb: to repeal, to revoke
车展chē zhǎnNoun: motor show
chēngVerb: to support, to prop up, to maintain, to fill up
chéngMeasure Word: for 1/10
成分chéng fènNoun: ingredient, component
承诺chéng nuòNoun: promise, commitment
Verb: to promise, to agree to
成品chéng pǐnNoun: a finished product
城区chéng qūNoun: urban area
城乡chéng xiāngNoun: city and countryside
城镇chéng zhènNoun: cities and towns
持有chí yǒuVerb: to hold (passport, views, etc.)
chòngRelative Clause: towards, facing
崇拜chóng bàiNoun: adoration
Verb: to adore, to worship
冲击chōng jīNoun: shock, strike, attack, impact
重建chóng jiànNoun: reconstruction, rebuilding
Verb: to rebuild
宠物chǒng wùNoun: pet
重组chóng zǔNoun: reorganization, restructuring
Verb: to reorganize, to restructure
chúVerb: to divide, to exclude
Relative Clause: except for
出场chū chǎngVerb: to appear (on stage), to play (for team)
处处chù chùAdverb: everywhere, in all respects
储存chǔ cúnNoun: storage, deposition
Verb: to store up, to stockpile
初等chū děngAdjective: elementary
出动chū dòngVerb: to dispatch troops, to start a trip
出访chū fǎngVerb: to visit in an official capacity
出路chū lùNoun: way out (of difficulty)
出面chū miànVerb: to appear personally, to show up
出名chū míngAdjective: famous
出入chū rùNoun: entrance and exit
Verb: to go out and come in
出事chū shìVerb: to have an accident
厨师chú shīNoun: chef
出台chū táiVerb: to appear on stage, to officially launch
出行chū xíngVerb: to travel
处长chù zhǎngNoun: department head
chuànVerb: to string together, to connect
Measure Word: for rows, strings, skewers, etc.
传出chuán chūVerb: to transmit outwards, to disseminate
传媒chuán méiNoun: media
传输chuán shūNoun: transport, transmission
传言chuán yánNoun: rumour
船员chuán yuánNoun: sailor, crew member
船长chuán zhǎngNoun: captain (boat)
船只chuán zhīNoun: ship, boat, vessel
创办chuàng bànVerb: to found, to establish
创建chuàng jiànVerb: to found, to establish
窗口chuāng kǒuNoun: window
创意chuàng yìNoun: creativity
此处cǐ chùLocation: here, this place
此次cǐ cìAdverb: this time
此前cǐ qiánAdverb: before this, before
此事cǐ shìAdverb: this issue
次数cì shùNoun: frequency, number of time
此致cǐ zhìAdverb: used at the end of a letter to introduce a polite salutation
从不cóng bùAdverb: never
从没cóng méiAdverb: never (past)
Noun: vinegar
村庄cūn zhuāngNoun: village
错过cuò guòVerb: to miss (train, opportunity, etc.)


Verb: to put up, to build, to take (boat, bus, train, etc.)
搭档dā dàngNoun: partner
Verb: to cooperate, to work together
大道dà dàoNoun: main street
打动dǎ dòngVerb: to move sbd., to touch sbd.
打断dǎ duànVerb: to interrupt, to break off, to break (a bone)
打发dǎ faVerb: to send sbd. away, to pass the time
打官司dǎ guān siVerb: to sue, to go to court
大街dà jiēNoun: street, main street
大力dà lìAdjective: energetic, vigorous
大米dà mǐNoun: rice
打牌dǎ páiVerb: to play Mahjong or cards
搭配dā pèiVerb: to arrange, to match
大批dà pīNumber: large quantities of
大赛dà sàiNoun: major competition
大师dà shīNoun: master
大使dà shǐNoun: ambassador
打印机dǎ yìn jīNoun: printer
打造dǎ zàoVerb: to create, to build, to develop
待会儿dāi huì erAdverb: later, in a little bit
单打dān dǎNoun: singles (sports)
诞生dàn shēngVerb: to be born, to be founded
担忧dān yōuVerb: to worry
dǎngNoun: party, association, society
dàngVerb: to fail (a student), to pawn
Adverb: suitable, at that time
dàngNoun: quality, grade (of goods), file
Measure Word: for events, affairs, etc.
档案dàng ànNoun: file, record, archive
当成dàng chéngVerb: to consider as, to take to be
当天dāng tiānNoun: on the same day, that day
当作dàng zuòVerb: to treat as
dǎoNoun: island
盗版dào bǎnNoun: illegal copy, pirated version
道教dào jiàoNoun: Taoism
到期dào qīVerb: to expire, to mature, to fall due
道歉dào qiànVerb: to apologize
Verb: to drip, to drop
Measure Word: for a drop
地板dì bǎnNoun: floor
抵达dǐ dáVerb: to arrive, to reach
抵抗dǐ kàngNoun: resistance
Verb: to resist, to fight back
地名dì míngNoun: name of a place
低头dī tóuVerb: to give in
低温dī wēnNoun: low temperature
地下室dì xià shìNoun: basement, cellar
电车diàn chēNoun: tram
电动diàn dòngAdjective: electric-powered
电力diàn lìNoun: electrical power
电器diàn qìNoun: (electrical) device
diàoVerb: to hang, to suspend, to express condolence to
调研diào yánNoun: research, investigation
Verb: to research, to investigate
diēVerb: to drop, to fall down
定价dìng jiàNoun: fixed price
Verb: to set a price
定时dìng shíAdverb: fixed time
定位dìng wèiNoun: position, location
Verb: to position
动画dòng huàNoun: animation, cartoon
斗争dòu zhēngNoun: struggle, fight
Verb: to fight, to combat, to battle
Verb: to bet, to gamble
Verb: to cross, to pass through
赌博dǔ bóNoun: gambling
Verb: to gamble, to bet
毒品dú pǐnNoun: drugs, narcotics, dope
都市dū shìNoun: city, metropolis
duānNoun: extremity, end, point
Verb: to carry
短片duǎn piànNoun: short film, video
端午节duān wǔ jiéNoun: Dragon Boat Festival
对抗duì kàngNoun: resistance, confrontation
Verb: to withstand, to resist
对外duì wàiAdverb: with regards to foreign/external affairs
队伍duì wuNoun: troops, ranks
dūnVerb: to squat
duóVerb: to seize, to take away with force
多半duō bànAdverb: most likely, mostly
多方面duō fāng miànAdverb: in many aspects
多媒体duō méi tǐNoun: multimedia
夺取duó qǔVerb: to seize, to capture


恩人ēn rénNoun: a benefactor
儿科ér kēNoun: paediatrics


发病fā bìngVerb: to get sick
发电fā diànNoun: electricity generation
Verb: to generate electricity
发放fā fàngVerb: to provide, to give, to grant
发怒fā nùVerb: to get angry
发起fā qǐVerb: to initiate, to originate, to propose
法庭fǎ tíngNoun: court of law
发炎fā yánNoun: inflammation
Verb: to inflame
Adjective: inflamed
发言人fā yán rénNoun: spokesperson
法语fǎ yǔNoun: French language
fānVerb: to take turns
Measure Word: times
fànVerb: to make a mistake, to violate, to offend
犯规fàn gūiNoun: foul, illegality
Verb: to break the rules
反抗fǎn kàngVerb: to resist, to rebel
番茄fān qiéNoun: tomato
凡是fán shìAdverb: every, any, all
反问fǎn wènNoun: rhetorical question, counter question
反响fǎn xiǎngNoun: echo
繁殖fán zhíVerb: to breed, to reproduce
犯罪fàn zuìNoun: crime
Verb: to commit a crime
防范fáng fànVerb: to be on guard
仿佛fǎng fúAdverb: to seem as if
房价fáng jiàNoun: cost of housing
防守fáng shǒuVerb: to defend, to protect
fèiNoun: lung
飞船fēi chuánNoun: spaceship
飞行员fēi xíng yuánNoun: pilot
分工fēn gōngNoun: division of labour
分裂fēn lièNoun: fission
Verb: to split, to divide
愤怒fèn nùAdjective: angry
风暴fēng bàoNoun: storm
峰会fēng huìNoun: summit meeting
奉献fèng xiànNoun: dedication
Verb: to dedicate, to devote
Noun: Buddha
佛教fó jiàoNoun: Buddhism
Noun: clothes
Verb: to convince, to obey
Verb: to float
Verb: to carry, to be defeated
Adjective: negative
Adjective: deputy, vice-
Measure Word: for pairs, sets, etc.
父女fù nǚNoun: father and daughter
妇女fù nǚNoun: woman
富人fù rénNoun: rich person
复苏fù sūVerb: to recover, to resuscitate
富有fù yǒuAdjective: rich
父子fù zǐNoun: father and son


改装gǎi zhuāngVerb: to modify, to remodel, to repack
gānNoun: liver
gǎnNoun: stick, pole
Measure Word: for long objects like guns, etc.
赶不上gǎn bù shàngVerb: can’t keep up with
赶忙gǎn mángVerb: to hurry
感人gǎn rénAdjective: touching, moving
赶上gǎn shàngVerb: to catch up with
干涉gān shèNoun: interference
Verb: to interfere, to intervene
敢于gǎn yúVerb: to dare to
刚好gāng hǎoAdverb: just, exactly
港口gǎng kǒuNoun: port, harbour
岗位gǎng wèiNoun: post, position, station
高层gāo céngAdjective: high level, high class
高档gāo dàngAdjective: top grade
高等gāo děngAdjective: high level, advanced
高峰gāo fēngNoun: peak, summit
高考gāo kǎoNoun: college entrance exam
高科技gāo kē jìNoun: high tech
高手gāo shǒuNoun: expert
稿子gǎo ziNoun: precedent
歌唱gē chàngVerb: to sing
歌词gē cíNoun: lyrics
革新gé xīnNoun: innovation
Verb: to innovate
歌星gē xīngNoun: singer
更是gèng shìAdverb: even more, even more so
gōngAdjective: fair, public, male
gōngNoun: palace, uterus
公安gōng ānNoun: Ministry of Public Security, police, public safety
巩固gǒng gùNoun: consolidation
Verb: to consolidate, to solidify
公鸡gōng jīNoun: cock, rooster
攻击gōng jīNoun: attack
Verb: to attack, to accuse
供给gōng jǐVerb: to supply, to furnish, to provide
工商gōng shāngNoun: industry and commerce
贡献gòng xiànNoun: contribution
Verb: to contribute, to dedicate
公众gōng zhòngAdjective: public
公主gōng zhǔNoun: princess
构建gòu jiànVerb: to construct
Noun: portion, section, thigh
Measure Word: for smells, electric currents, long thin things, a group of people, etc.
Verb: to look after, to attend to, to consider
古典gǔ diǎnAdjective: classical
股东gǔ dōngNoun: shareholder, stockholder
孤独gū dúAdjective: lonely
孤儿gū érNoun: orphan
姑姑gū guNoun: aunt (paternal)
股票gǔ piàoNoun: share, stock
故障gù zhàngNoun: malfunction, breakdown, defect, fault
guāVerb: to blow (wind), to scrape, to plunder, to shave
guǎiVerb: to turn, to kidnap
关爱guān àiVerb: to show concern and care for
管道guǎn dàoNoun: pipeline
观光guān guāngNoun: tourism, sightseeing
Verb: to tour, to go sightseeing
关联guān liánNoun: link
Adjective: related, linked, affiliated
官司guān siNoun: lawsuit
光辉guāng huīNoun: radiance, brilliance
Adjective: brilliant, magnificent
广阔guǎng kuòAdjective: wide, vast
guìVerb: to kneel
轨道guǐ dàoNoun: railway, track, orbit
国产guó chǎnNoun: domestic product
Adjective: domestically produced
过渡guò dùNoun: transition
Verb: to cross over
Adjective: interim
国歌guó gēNoun: national anthem
过后guò hòuAdjective: after an event, retroactive
国会guó huìNoun: parliament, congress
果酱guǒ jiàngNoun: jam
国旗guó qíNoun: flag of a country
过时guò shíAdjective: old-fashioned, antiquated, out of date
果树guǒ shùNoun: fruit tree
国王guó wángNoun: king


海报hǎi bàoNoun: poster, playbill
海底hǎi dǐNoun: seafloor, bottom of the ocean
海军hǎi jūnNoun: navy
海浪hǎi làngNoun: (sea) wave
海外hǎi wàiNoun: overseas, abroad
海湾hǎi wānNoun: bay, gulf
海洋hǎi yángNoun: ocean
好不容易hǎo bù róng yìAdjective: very difficult
好似hǎo sìVerb: to seem
好学hào xuéAdjective: eager to learn
好转hǎo zhuǎnNoun: improvement
Verb: to improve
和谐hé xiéAdjective: harmonious
核心hé xīnNoun: core
合约hé yuēNoun: contract
黑夜hēi yèNoun: night
hěnAdjective: fierce, ruthless
很难说hěn nán shuōAdjective: hard to say
héngAdjective: horizontal
衡量héng liangVerb: to weigh, to examine
宏大hóng dàAdjective: grand, massive
洪水hóng shuǐNoun: flood, deluge
Noun: pot, kettle
Measure Word: for bottled liquid
Verb: to protect
互动hù dòngAdjective: interactive
忽略hū lüèVerb: to neglect, to overlook
户外hù wàiLocation: outdoor
花费huā fèiNoun: expense, cost
Verb: to spend
化解huà jiěVerb: to resolve, to dissolve
花瓶huā píngNoun: vase
花生huā shēngNoun: peanut
幻想huàn xiǎngNoun: illusion, fantasy
Verb: to dream
患者huàn zhěNoun: patient
皇帝huáng dìNoun: emperor
huǐVerb: to destroy, to damage, to ruin, to defame, to slander
绘画huì huàNoun: painting
Verb: to paint
会见huì jiànNoun: meeting
Verb: to meet with
回应huí yìngNoun: response
Verb: to respond
会长huì zhǎngNoun: president (club, committee, etc.)
hūnVerb: to faint, to lose consciousness
Adjective: muddle-headed
hùnVerb: to mix, to mingle
Adjective: muddled, thoughtless, reckless
混合hùn héVerb: to mix, to blend
混乱hùn luànNoun: chaos, confusion, disorder
Adjective: chaotic, disorderly, unorganized
火箭huǒ jiànNoun: rocket
活跃huó yuèAdjective: active, vigorous


Noun: collection
Verb: to collect
Measure Word: for episodes
疾病jí bìngNoun: disease, sickness
机动车jī dòng chēNoun: motor vehicle
基督教jī dū jiàoNoun: Christianity
极端jí duānAdjective: extreme, radical, utmost
机关jī guānNoun: office, mechanism, organ, intrigue, plot trick
急救jí jiùNoun: first aid
Verb: to provide first aid
吉利jí lìAdjective: lucky, auspicious
激情jī qíngNoun: passion, enthusiasm
吉祥jí xiángAdjective: lucky, auspicious
机械jī xièNoun: machine
Adjective: mechanical, inflexible
给予jǐ yǔVerb: to give, to render, to present, to accord
嘉宾jiā bīnNoun: honoured guest
家电jiā diànNoun: electric household appliance
加盟jiā méngVerb: to join an alliance
假日jià rìNoun: holiday
家园jiā yuánNoun: home, homeland
jiānNoun: top, point (on top)
Verb: to get into
Adjective: sharp, pointed
jiǎnVerb: to pick up, to gather
jiànNoun: sword
Measure Word: for blows of a sword
jiànNoun: arrow
监测jiān cèNoun: monitoring
Verb: to monitor
鉴定jiàn dìngNoun: evaluation
Verb: to appraise, to evaluate
监督jiān dūNoun: supervisor
Verb: to control, to supervise
简介jiǎn jièNoun: summary, brief introduction
jiàngNoun: sauce, paste
将军jiāng jūnNoun: admiral, general
Verb: to challenge
讲课jiǎng kèNoun: to teach, to lecture
酱油jiàng yóuNoun: soy sauce
jiàoNoun: sleep
骄傲jiāo àoVerb: to be proud of sth.
Adjective: arrogant, conceited
焦点jiāo diǎnNoun: focus, focal point
教堂jiào tángNoun: church
脚印jiǎo yìnNoun: footprint
教育部jiào yù bùNoun: Ministry of Education
jiēVerb: to expose, to unmask
jiéVerb: to save, to economize
jiěNoun: solution, dissection
Verb: to divide, to split, to dissolve, to solve, to explain
jièNoun: kingdom, boundary, scope
jièNoun: social circle
杰出jié chūAdjective: outstanding, remarkable
节假日jié jià rìNoun: holiday, public holiday
借鉴jiè jiànVerb: to take example by, to use as reference
节能jié néngVerb: to save energy
接收jiē shōuNoun: reception
Verb: to receive, to accept
解说jiě shuōNoun: explanation
Verb: to explain
街头jiē tóuNoun: street
截止jié zhǐVerb: to close, to stop, to put a stop to
截至jié zhìRelative Clause: up to, by (time)
节奏jié zòuNoun: rhythm
jìnVerb: to use up, to exhaust, to finish
Adjective: exhausted, finished
金额jīn éNoun: sum of money
进攻jìn gōngVerb: to attack, to assault
金钱jīn qiánNoun: money, currency
近日jìn rìAdverb: recently
金融jīn róngNoun: finance, banking
近视jìn shìAdjective: short-sighted
jīngNoun: vitality, energy, essence, sperm
Adjective: excellent, highly perfected
jǐngNoun: well
jǐngNoun: scenery
Adjective: bright
jìngAdjective: clean, net (income)
Adverb: completely, only
景点jǐng diǎnNoun: scenic spot
精美jīng měiAdjective: delicate, fine
精品jīng pǐnNoun: quality products
惊人jīng rénAdjective: astonishing
惊喜jīng xǐNoun: nice surprise
纠纷jiū fēnNoun: dispute, entanglement
救命jiù mìngVerb: to save a life
Expression: help!
就是说jiù shì shuōAdverb: in other words
酒水jiǔ shuǐNoun: beverage
就算jiù suànConjunction: even if
救援jiù yuánVerb: to save, to help, to support
纠正jiū zhèngVerb: to correct, to put right
救助jiù zhùNoun: help
Verb: to help
Measure Word: for matches, sets, rounds, etc.
Noun: drama, play
Adjective: severe
Verb: to seize
Adverb: according to
juānNoun: tax, contribution
Verb: to contribute, to donate, to give up
捐款juān kuǎnNoun: donation
Verb: to donate money
捐赠juān zèngNoun: donation
Verb: to contribute
捐助juān zhùNoun: contribution, donation
Verb: to donate, to contribute
juéVerb: to cut short, to interrupt
Adjective: extreme, depleted
决策jué cèNoun: (strategic) decision
Verb: to make policy, to make a strategic decision
绝大多数jué dà duō shùNoun: absolute majority
觉悟jué wùNoun: consciousness, awareness
Verb: to become aware of
军队jūn duìNoun: army
军舰jūn jiànNoun: warship
军事jūn shìNoun: military affairs


开创kāi chuàngVerb: to start, to found
开关kāi guānNoun: power switch
开设kāi shèVerb: to open, to found
开通kāi tōngVerb: being open-minded, to open up
开头kāi tóuNoun: beginning, starting point
开夜车kāi yè chēVerb: to work late into the night
kānVerb: to look after, to guard
看得见kàn dé jiànAdjective: visible
看得起kàn de qǐVerb: to think highly of
看管kān guǎnVerb: to look after
看好kàn hǎoVerb: to think highly of
看作kàn zuòVerb: to regard as
康复kāng fùVerb: to recover (health)
抗议kàng yìVerb: to protest
考场kǎo chǎngNoun: exam room, exam location
考题kǎo tíNoun: exam question
客车kè chēNoun: coach, bus, passenger train
科研kē yánNoun: scientific research
kěnVerb: to agree, to be ready to do sth., to be willing
空军kōng jūnNoun: air force
kòuNoun: button
Verb: to deduct (money), to button, to fasten
口试kǒu shìNoun: oral test
Adjective: ruthless, cool
kuàVerb: to step across, to stride over
快车kuài chēNoun: express bus, express train
宽阔kuān kuòNoun: width, thickness
Adjective: wide, expansive, spacious
kuàngNoun: mine, ore
kuòAdjective: rich, wide, broad


laParticle: to end a sentence
làiVerb: to blame, to renege (promise)
来往lái wǎngVerb: to come and go, to have dealings with
lǎnAdjective: lazy
蓝领lán lǐngNoun: blue collar worker
栏目lán mùNoun: column
蓝天lán tiānNoun: blue sky
láoNoun: prison, stable
Adjective: firm, sturdy
老乡lǎo xiāngNoun: sbd. from the same hometown
冷气lěng qìNoun: air conditioning
冷水lěng shuǐNoun: cold water
Noun: reason, natural science
Verb: to manage, to pay attention to
Particle: used at the end of other nouns to form a new noun
Noun: advantage, benefit, profit
Adjective: sharp (knife)
理财lǐ cáiNoun: financial management
礼堂lǐ tángNoun: assembly hall, auditorium
理智lǐ zhìNoun: reason, intellect
联盟lián méngNoun: alliance, union, coalition
联赛lián sàiNoun: league (sports)
联手lián shǒuVerb: to act together
两侧liǎng cèNoun: both sides
两手liǎng shǒuNoun: double tactic
Adverb: with both hands
凉鞋liáng xiéNoun: sandals
liáoVerb: to chat, to talk
liàoVerb: to expect, to anticipate
liàoNoun: material
聊天儿liáo tiān erVerb: to talk, to chat
lièVerb: to split, to break open
lìngAdverb: other, another
灵活líng huóAdjective: flexible, agile, nimble
领取lǐng qǔVerb: to receive, to get
领袖lǐng xiùNoun: leader
流感liú gǎnNoun: flu, influenza
留言liú yánNoun: message
Verb: to leave a message
lòuVerb: to show, to reveal, to expose
楼道lóu dàoNoun: corridor
楼房lóu fángNoun: building with 2+ levels
Noun: dew, syrup, nectar
Verb: to uncover, to expose, to reveal
旅店lǚ diànNoun: hotel
路过lù guòVerb: to pass by or through
绿化lǜ huàVerb: to plant greenery, to reforest
陆军lù jūnNoun: army
录像lù xiàngNoun: video
Verb: to film
录音机lù yīn jīNoun: tape recorder


maParticle: to express urging
马车mǎ chēNoun: carriage, chariot
máiVerb: to bury
慢车màn chēNoun: regional train, slow train with many stops
馒头mán touNoun: steamed bun
盲人máng rénNoun: blind person
梅花méi huāNoun: plum blossom, clubs (a suit in card games)
美容měi róngNoun: cosmetics, beauty care
mēngVerb: to deceive (sbd.), to cheat (sbd.)
méngVerb: to cover
Adjective: ignorant, uneducated
měngAdjective: ferocious, fierce, sudden, abrupt
miánNoun: cotton
免得miǎn deConjunction: in order to avoid
面对面miàn duì miànAdverb: face to face
面向miàn xiàngVerb: to face, to turn towards, to cater for (target group)
miàoAdjective: wonderful
mièVerb: to extinguish, to put out, to drown
民歌mín gēNoun: folk song
民工mín gōngNoun: migrant worker
民警mín jǐngNoun: civil police
民意mín yìNoun: public opinion
民主mín zhǔNoun: democracy
Adjective: democratic
mìngNoun: life, fate
名额míng éNoun: quota of people
明日míng rìTime: tomorrow
名胜míng shèngNoun: famous place, scenic spot
名义míng yìNoun: based on the name
Adjective: nominal, titular
名誉míng yùNoun: reputation, honour, fame
Noun: membrane, film
Verb: to polish, to sharpen, to rub, to grind
没收mò shōuVerb: to confiscate, to forfeit
墨水mò shuǐNoun: ink
Noun: mother
Adjective: female
Noun: grave
母鸡mǔ jīNoun: hen
母女mǔ nǚNoun: mother-daughter
母子mǔ zǐNoun: mother-child


拿走ná zǒuVerb: to take away
奶粉nǎi fěnNoun: powdered milk
奶牛nǎi niúNoun: dairy cow
难忘nán wàngAdjective: unforgettable
内地nèi dìNoun: mainland China
内外nèi wàiNoun: inside and outside, domestic and foreign
内衣nèi yīNoun: underwear
能否néng fǒuAdverb: if possible or not
Noun: mud, clay, paste
niǔVerb: to turn, to twist, to wring


派出pài chūVerb: to send, to dispatch
排行榜pái háng bǎngNoun: charts, table of ranking
pànVerb: to judge, to sentence, to discriminate, to discern
盼望pàn wàngVerb: to hope for, to look forward to
pàoNoun: bubble, foam
Verb: to soak, to pick up (girl)
pàoNoun: cannon, firecracker
陪同péi tóngVerb: to accompany
配置pèi zhìNoun: configuration, allocation
Verb: to deploy, to allocate
皮球pí qiúNoun: ball (made of rubber, leather, etc.)
piānVerb: to lean
Adjective: oblique, prejudiced
贫困pín kùnNoun: poverty
Adjective: poor
品牌pǐn páiNoun: brand, trademark
聘请pìn qǐngVerb: to hire, to engage
píngVerb: to discuss, to comment, to criticize, to choose, to judge
平凡píng fánAdjective: common, ordinary
平方米píng fāng mǐNoun: square metre
平衡píng héngNoun: balance, equilibrium
屏幕píng mùNoun: screen
平台píng táiNoun: platform, terrace
评选píng xuǎnVerb: to select
Noun: slope
Verb: to throw oneself on, to pounce
Verb: to spread, to extend, to pave, to lay


起点qǐ diǎnNoun: starting point, beginning
气氛qì fēnNoun: atmosphere, mood
欺负qī fuVerb: to bully, to intimidate
奇妙qí miàoAdjective: wonderful, fantastic
起诉qǐ sùVerb: to sue
企图qǐ túNoun: attempt
Verb: to attempt
恰当qià dàngAdjective: suitable, appropriate, proper
恰好qià hǎoAdverb: just at the right time, by lucky coincidence
恰恰qià qiàAdverb: exactly, precisely
qiānVerb: to pull, to lead, to hold hands
铅笔qiān bǐNoun: pencil
前方qián fāngNoun: the front
Location: ahead
前来qián láiVerb: to come
潜力qián lìNoun: potential, capacity
谦虚qiān xūAdjective: modest
强盗qiáng dàoNoun: robber
强化qiáng huàVerb: to strengthen, to intensify
强势qiáng shìAdjective: strong, powerful
强壮qiáng zhuàngAdjective: strong, sturdy, robust
桥梁qiáo liángNoun: bridge
巧妙qiǎo miàoAdjective: ingenious, clever
切实qiè shíAdjective: feasible, realistic, practical
茄子qié ziNoun: eggplant
侵犯qīn fànVerb: to infringe on, to violate (law, rule, etc.)
亲属qīn shǔNoun: relatives
亲眼qīn yǎnAdverb: with one’s own eyes
qīngAdjective: clear, distinct, pure
清洁qīng jiéAdjective: clean, unpolluted
清洁工qīng jié gōngNoun: cleaner, janitor
清明节qīng míng jiéNoun: Qingming Festival, celebration of the dead
清洗qīng xǐVerb: to wash, to clean
倾向qīng xiàngNoun: trend, tendency
Verb: to tend to, to be inclined to
情绪qíng xùNoun: feeling, mood, sentiment
球拍qiú pāiNoun: racket
球星qiú xīngNoun: sports star
球员qiú yuánNoun: player (sport)
求职qiú zhíVerb: to seek employment
渠道qú dàoNoun: medium of communication, channel, ditch
去掉qù diàoVerb: to get rid of
区分qū fēnVerb: to distinguish, to differentiate between
取款qǔ kuǎnVerb: to withdraw money
取款机qǔ kuǎn jīNoun: ATM
quánNoun: power, right
quànNoun: contract, ticket, certificate
权力quán lìNoun: power, authority
全力quán lìAdverb: with all one’s strength
全新quán xīnAdjective: completely new
却是què shìAdverb: nevertheless, actually
缺陷quē xiànNoun: defect, flaw


让座ràng zuòVerb: to let sbd. sit down
热点rè diǎnNoun: hot spot, point of special interest
热水rè shuǐNoun: hot water
热水器rè shuǐ qìNoun: water heater
热线rè xiànNoun: hotline
人权rén quánNoun: human rights
认同rèn tóngVerb: to approve of, to identify oneself with
日夜rì yèTime: day and night, around the clock
日语rì yǔNoun: Japanese language
融合róng héNoun: mixture
Verb: to fit in, to harmonize with
融入róng rùVerb: to blend into, to assimilate, to merge
Conjunction: if, such as
Verb: to enter
Adverb: into
入学rù xuéVerb: to enter a school or college
如一rú yīAdverb: to be as one
乳制品rǔ zhì pǐnNoun: dairy products
ruòVerb: to seem
Adverb: like, as if


sāiVerb: to stop up, to squeeze in, to stuff
sàiNoun: match, competition
Verb: to compete
赛场sài chǎngNoun: racetrack, field (athletics)
三明治sān míng zhìNoun: sandwich
丧失sàng shīVerb: to lose, to forfeit
山峰shān fēngNoun: (mountain) peak
山谷shān gǔNoun: valley, ravine
山坡shān pōNoun: hillside
商城shāng chéngNoun: shopping centre
上当shàng dàngVerb: to be fooled
上帝shàng dìNoun: god
伤口shāng kǒuNoun: wound
上市shàng shìVerb: to hit the market (product), to float (stock market)
上台shàng táiVerb: to go on stage, to rise to power
伤亡shāng wángNoun: casualties, injuries and deaths
上演shàng yǎnVerb: to screen (a movie), to stage (a play)
伤员shāng yuánNoun: hurt person
sháoNoun: spoon, ladle
少儿shào érNoun: child
涉及shè jíVerb: to involve, to concern
设计师shè jì shīNoun: designer, architect
舌头shé touNoun: tongue
审查shěn cháNoun: censorship, investigation
Verb: to censor, to inspect, to examine
深化shēn huàVerb: to deepen, to intensify
深深shēn shēnAdjective: deep, profound
圣诞节shèng dàn jiéNoun: Christmas
生活费shēng huó fèiNoun: cost of living, living expenses
升级shēng jíNoun: update, upgrade
Verb: to escalate, to upgrade
省钱shěng qiánVerb: to save money
盛行shèng xíngVerb: to prevail, to be in vogue
升学shēng xuéVerb: to enter a higher grade in school
升值shēng zhíVerb: to rise in value, to appreciate
shíVerb: to record
适当shì dàngAdjective: suitable, appropriate
试点shì diǎnNoun: pilot scheme
时而shí érAdverb: occasionally, from time to time
师父shī fuNoun: master
事后shì hòuAdjective: in hindsight
实践shí jiànVerb: to practice, to carry out
时节shí jiéTime: season
市民shì mínNoun: city resident
时期shí qīNoun: period, phase
师生shī shēngNoun: teachers and students
时时shí shíAdverb: often, constantly
食欲shí yùNoun: appetite
时装shí zhuāngNoun: fashionable dress, latest fashion
识字shí zìVerb: to be able to read and write
shǒuNoun: first, chief, head
收藏shōu cángVerb: to collect, to store up
首次shǒu cìAdverb: for the first time
首脑shǒu nǎoNoun: head of state, leader
收取shōu qǔVerb: to receive, to collect
首席shǒu xíNoun: chief
首相shǒu xiàngNoun: prime minister
手续费shǒu xù fèiNoun: service charge, processing fee
收养shōu yǎngNoun: adoption
Verb: to adopt a child
书房shū fángNoun: study room, work room
薯片shǔ piànNoun: potato chips
薯条shǔ tiáoNoun: French fries
shuǎngAdjective: bright, clear, wicked, pleasant
双打shuāng dǎNoun: doubles (sport)
shuìNoun: tax, duty
水泥shuǐ níNoun: cement
shùnRelative Clause: along
说明书shuō míng shūNoun: manual
说实话shuō shí huàExpression: to be honest, …
Noun: temple
四处sì chùAdverb: all over the place
死亡sǐ wángNoun: death
Verb: to die
司长sī zhǎngNoun: bureau chief
送礼sòng lǐVerb: to give a present
送行sòng xíngVerb: to see someone off
素质sù zhìNoun: quality, basic essence
算了suàn leExpression: forget it!
算是suàn shìAdverb: at last, in the end
suīConjunction: although, even though
岁数suì shùNoun: age
suǒPronoun: to build passive, to build a certain noun


Noun: tower
Verb: to tread, to step on, to press a pedal
踏实tā shiAdjective: down-to-earth, anxiety-free
台灯tái dēngNoun: table lamp
太阳能tài yáng néngNoun: solar energy
叹气tàn qìNoun: sigh
Verb: to sigh
探索tàn suǒVerb: to explore, to probe
探讨tàn tǎoVerb: to investigate, to discuss, to probe into
tàngMeasure Word: for number of trips or runs made
tāoVerb: to take out, to fish out
Adjective: special, unique, distinguished
Adverb: very
特大tè dàAdjective: huge
特地tè dìAdverb: specially
特快tè kuàiAdjective: express (train, delivery, etc.)
特意tè yìAdverb: specially, expressly
疼痛téng tòngNoun: pain
Verb: to kick
提交tí jiāoVerb: to submit (e.g. a report), to refer sth. to sbd.
提升tí shēngVerb: to promote, to upgrade
tiānVerb: to add, to increase, to replenish
tiánNoun: field
田径tián jìngNoun: track and field, athletics
天然tiān ránAdjective: natural
天堂tiān tángNoun: paradise, heaven
天下tiān xiàNoun: the whole world
跳水tiào shuǐNoun: diving (Olympic sport)
Verb: to dive
听取tīng qǔVerb: to hear, to listen to
tóngAdverb: like, same, together with
通报tōng bàoNoun: bulletin, scientific journal
Verb: to inform, to announce
同胞tóng bāoNoun: brother or sister by blood, fellow citizen, compatriot
通道tōng dàoNoun: communications channel, thoroughfare, passage
同行tóng hángNoun: person of the same profession
通红tōng hóngVerb: to blush
通话tōng huàNoun: phone call
Verb: to talk over the telephone
铜牌tóng páiNoun: bronze medal
同期tóng qīNoun: corresponding time period
Adjective: synchronous
通行tōng xíngNoun: a passage through
Verb: to go through, to license
通讯tōng xùnNoun: communication, news report
同一tóng yīAdjective: identical
透露tòu lùVerb: to reveal, to leak out
投票tóu piàoNoun: poll
Verb: to vote
头疼tóu téngNoun: headache
Adjective: unsophisticated, indigenous
徒弟tú dìNoun: apprentice
途径tú jìngNoun: way, approach, route
图书tú shūNoun: books
团队tuán duìNoun: team
推出tuī chūVerb: to release, to launch
退票tuì piàoVerb: get a ticket refunded
tūnVerb: to swallow
tuōVerb: to trust, to entrust
tuōVerb: to drag, to pull
拖鞋tuō xiéNoun: slippers


Verb: to dig, to excavate
waParticle: oh
娃娃wá waNoun: baby, small child, doll
外币wài bìNoun: foreign currency
外部wài bùNoun: external part
Adjective: external
外出wài chūVerb: to go out (of the house)
外观wài guānNoun: exterior appearance
外科wài kēNoun: surgery (branch of medicine)
外来wài láiAdjective: external, foreign, outside
外头wài touLocation: outside
外衣wài yīNoun: jacket, appearance
外资wài zīNoun: foreign investment
顽皮wán píAdjective: naughty
顽强wán qiángAdjective: tenacious, indomitable
弯曲wān qūNoun: bend, curve
Verb: to bend, to curve, to warp
Adjective: curved, crooked
网吧wǎng bāNoun: Internet café
王后wáng hòuNoun: queen
往后wǎng hòuAdverb: from now on, in the future
望见wàng jiànVerb: to spot
往来wǎng láiNoun: dealings, contacts
Verb: to be in touch, to go back and forth
往年wǎng niánAdverb: in previous years
网页wǎng yèNoun: web page
王子wáng zǐNoun: prince
微波炉wēi bō lúNoun: microwave oven
为此wèi cǐAdverb: for this reason
为何wèi héAdverb: why
危机wēi jīNoun: crisis
维生素wéi shēng sùNoun: vitamin
威胁wēi xiéNoun: threat, menace
Verb: to threaten, to menace
文娱wén yúNoun: cultural recreation, entertainment
卧铺wò pùNoun: couchette, bed on a train
Noun: mistake, error
Verb: to miss, to harm, to neglect, to delay
无边wú biānAdjective: without boundary
舞蹈wǔ dǎoNoun: dance
无关wú guānVerb: to be unrelated
物品wù pǐnNoun: articles, goods
无效wú xiàoAdjective: ineffective
乌云wū yúnNoun: black cloud


西班牙语xī bān yá yǔNoun: Spanish language
细胞xì bāoNoun: cell (biology)
吸毒xī dúNoun: drug addiction
Verb: to take drugs
细菌xì jūnNoun: bacterium, germ
戏曲xì qǔNoun: Chinese opera
牺牲xī shēngNoun: sacrifice
Verb: to sacrifice oneself, to lay down one’s life
洗衣粉xǐ yī fěnNoun: washing powder
xiánNoun: suspicion, resentment
Verb: to dislike, to mind
xiǎnNoun: danger
Adjective: dangerous, rugged
显出xiǎn chūVerb: to express, to accentuate
先锋xiān fēngNoun: vanguard, pioneer
线路xiàn lùNoun: line, route, path
陷入xiàn rùVerb: to get caught up in, to sink into
想不到xiǎng bu dàoAdjective: unexpected
响声xiǎng shēngNoun: noise
晓得xiǎo deVerb: to know
小费xiǎo fèiNoun: tip (money)
消耗xiāo hàoNoun: consumption
Verb: to use up, to consume
笑脸xiào liǎnNoun: smiling face
小麦xiǎo màiNoun: wheat
消灭xiāo mièNoun: annihilation
Verb: to eliminate, to perish
笑容xiào róngNoun: smile
Verb: to smile
笑声xiào shēngNoun: laughter
小于xiǎo yúNumber: less than, smaller than
协会xié huìNoun: association, union, society
协商xié shāngVerb: to consult with, to talk things over, to negotiate about
协调xié tiáoVerb: to coordinate, to harmonize
协助xié zhùVerb: to assist, to help, to aid
写字楼xiě zì lóuNoun: office building
写字台xiě zì táiNoun: writing desk
心灵xīn língNoun: heart, soul, spirit
Adjective: bright, smart
新人xīn rénNoun: newly-wed, freshman
薪水xīn shuǐNoun: salary, wage
新兴xīn xīngAdjective: up-and-coming, rising
信仰xìn yǎngNoun: belief, conviction, faith
Verb: to believe in
信用xìn yòngNoun: trustworthiness, creditworthiness
Verb: to trust
心愿xīn yuànNoun: wish
心脏xīn zàngNoun: heart
心脏病xīn zàng bìngNoun: heart disease
xíngNoun: form, shape
行程xíng chéngNoun: journey, route, itinerary
兴旺xīng wàngAdjective: prosperous, thriving
xiōngAdjective: terrible, fearful
凶手xiōng shǒuNoun: murderer, assassin
修车xiū chēVerb: to repair (car, bike, etc.)
袖珍xiù zhēnAdjective: pocket-sized
xuánVerb: to hang, to suspend
Adjective: unresolved, baseless
选拔xuǎn báVerb: to choose, to select
选举xuǎn jǔNoun: election
Verb: to elect
旋转xuán zhuǎnVerb: to rotate, to spin
血管xuè guǎnNoun: blood vessel
学会xué huìNoun: association
Verb: to learn, to master
血液xuè yèNoun: blood
学员xué yuánNoun: student
循环xún huánNoun: circle, loop
Verb: to cycle, to circulate


压迫yā pòVerb: to oppress, to repress
沿yánNoun: riverside
Adverb: along
研发yán fāNoun: research and development
沿海yán hǎiLocation: coastal, along the coast
烟花yān huāNoun: fireworks, prostitute
宴会yàn huìNoun: banquet, feast
眼看yǎn kànVerb: to watch (without moving/helping)
Adverb: soon, in a moment
沿着yán zheAdverb: along
演奏yǎn zòuVerb: to perform music, to play (music)
yángAdjective: vast, foreign
yǎngVerb: to look up, to admire, to rely on
yàngNoun: appearance, type, shape
养老yǎng lǎoNoun: provision for the elderly
Verb: to provide for the elderly
氧气yǎng qìNoun: oxygen
要不然yào bu ránConjunction: otherwise
要好yào hǎoVerb: to be close friends
要么yào meAdverb: either one or the other
药品yào pǐnNoun: medicine, drug
要素yào sùNoun: essential factor, key element
Adjective: wild, untamed, rude
野生yě shēngAdjective: wild, undomesticated
异常yì chángAdjective: exceptional, unusual, abnormal
依次yī cìAdverb: in turn, in proper order
一次性yī cì xìngAdjective: single-use
一代yī dàiNoun: generation
一道yí dàoAdverb: together
一番yī fānAdverb: one time
一贯yí guànAdjective: consistent, constant, all along
遗憾yí hànVerb: to regret
Adjective: regrettable
依赖yī làiVerb: to depend on, to be dependent on
一路上yī lù shangAdverb: along the way (as one lives life)
一模一样yī mú yī yàngAdjective: identical
仪器yí qìNoun: instrument, apparatus
一齐yì qíAdverb: simultaneously
艺人yì rénNoun: performing artist
仪式yí shìNoun: ceremony, ritual
一时yī shíAdverb: for a short while, temporary
议题yì tíNoun: topic of discussion
一同yì tóngAdverb: together
意想不到yì xiǎng bù dàoAdjective: unexpected
一行yī xíngNoun: delegation, group
医药yī yàoNoun: medicine, drug
意愿yì yuànNoun: desire, wish
yīnNoun: cause, reason
Conjunction: because
yìnNoun: a print, a stamp
Verb: to print
隐藏yǐn cángVerb: to hide, to conceal
音量yīn liàngNoun: sound volume
阴谋yīn móuNoun: plot, conspiracy, machination
隐私yǐn sīNoun: one’s secrets, private matters
因素yīn sùNoun: element, factor
音像yīn xiàngAdjective: audio-visual
阴影yīn yǐngNoun: shadow
应对yìng duìNoun: response
Verb: to answer, to respond
应急yìng jíVerb: to respond to an emergency
迎来yíng láiVerb: to welcome
影迷yǐng míNoun: movie lover
影星yǐng xīngNoun: film star
英雄yīng xióngNoun: hero
用处yòng chuNoun: use, usefulness
用得着yòng de zháoVerb: to have a use for sth.
用法yòng fǎNoun: usage
用品yòng pǐnNoun: products, goods
用心yòng xīnAdjective: attentive, diligent
有关yǒu guānVerb: to relate to, to concern
有没有yǒu méi yǒuExpression: is there a…, do you have…
游人yóu rénNoun: tourist
有事yǒu shìVerb: to be busy
游玩yóu wánVerb: to have fun, to take a stroll
游戏机yóu xì jīNoun: game console
游行yóu xíngNoun: demonstration, march, parade
优质yōu zhìAdjective: good quality
Adverb: in, at, to, from, by, than, out of
Conjunction: and, with
宇航员yǔ háng yuánNoun: astronaut
愉快yú kuàiAdjective: happy, cheerful
娱乐yú lèNoun: amusement, entertainment
Verb: to amuse, to entertain
雨衣yǔ yīNoun: raincoat
预约yù yuēNoun: reservation
Verb: to reserve
yuánNoun: garden, park
yuánAdjective: former, original
园地yuán dìNoun: garden area
远方yuǎn fāngNoun: a distant location
原告yuán gàoNoun: plaintiff
缘故yuán gùNoun: reason, cause
远离yuǎn líVerb: to be far from
原谅yuán liàngVerb: to excuse, to forgive
元素yuán sùNoun: element, basic element
远远yuǎn yuǎnAdjective: distant
援助yuán zhùNoun: assistance, aid
Verb: to help, to aid
圆珠笔yuán zhū bǐNoun: ballpoint pen
约定yuē dìngNoun: commitment
Verb: to agree on sth., to arrange
乐曲yuè qǔNoun: musical composition
yūnVerb: to pass out, to faint
Adjective: dizzy, faint, confused
晕车yùn chēVerb: to be carsick
允许yǔn xǔVerb: to permit, to allow
运作yùn zuòNoun: operations
Verb: to operate


Adjective: mixed, miscellaneous
再生zài shēngNoun: recycling, regeneration
Verb: to be reborn, to regenerate
再说zài shuōAdverb: moreover, what’s more
Expression: let’s talk about that later
遭到zāo dàoVerb: to suffer
遭受zāo shòuVerb: to suffer, to be subject to
早晚zǎo wǎnAdverb: sooner or later
遭遇zāo yùVerb: to meet with (sth. unfortunate), to encounter
增进zēng jìnVerb: to enhance, to further, to advance
增值zēng zhíVerb: to increase in value
zhāVerb: to prick, to push a needle into
zhàVerb: to explode
炸弹zhà dànNoun: bomb
扎实zhā shiAdjective: strong, sturdy, robust
炸药zhà yàoNoun: explosive
zhàiNoun: debt
Verb: to be indebted to
战场zhàn chǎngNoun: battlefield
占据zhàn jùVerb: to occupy, to hold
战略zhàn lüèNoun: strategy
战术zhàn shùNoun: tactics
站台zhàn táiNoun: platform (train)
战友zhàn yǒuNoun: battle companion
zhāngNoun: seal, badge, regulation, order, chapter, section, clause
zhǎngNoun: chief, head
zhàngNoun: account, bill
zhàngVerb: to swell
障碍zhàng àiNoun: barrier, obstacle, obstruction
账户zhàng hùNoun: bank account
掌声zhǎng shēngNoun: applause
zhāoVerb: to hire, to recruit, to beckon
招聘zhāo pìnNoun: recruitment
Verb: to recruit
照样zhào yàngAdverb: in the same way as usual, as before
照耀zhào yàoVerb: shine, illuminate
这就是说zhè jiù shì shuōExpression: in other words
哲学zhé xuéNoun: philosophy
zhènNoun: small town, garrison
Verb: to press down, to suppress
政策zhèng cèNoun: policy
政党zhèng dǎngNoun: (political) party
正当zhèng dāngAdjective: honest, fair, sensible
Conjunction: just when
整顿zhěng dùnVerb: to consolidate, to reorganize, to tidy up
争夺zhēng duóVerb: to fight for, to contend for
政权zhèng quánNoun: regime, political power
整治zhěng zhìVerb: to repair, to regulate, to prepare
症状zhèng zhuàngNoun: symptom
zhīNoun: branch
Measure Word: for sticks, rods, pencils, etc.
zhīVerb: to weave, to knit
zhǐVerb: to stop
Adverb: until, only
治病zhì bìngVerb: to treat an illness
支撑zhī chēngVerb: to support, to prop up
只得zhǐ déAuxiliary Verb: to have no alternative but to
指定zhǐ dìngVerb: to appoint, to designate, to assign
只顾zhǐ gùVerb: to be deeply focused on sth.
只管zhǐ guǎnAdverb: by all means, do not hesitate
智慧zhì huìNoun: wisdom, intelligence, knowledge
之类zhī lèiAdverb: and so on
知名zhī míngAdjective: well-known, famous
直升机zhí shēng jīNoun: helicopter
指数zhǐ shùNoun: index (numerical, statistical)
指头zhǐ touNoun: finger, toe
至于zhì yúConjunction: to go so far as to, with regard to
支援zhī yuánVerb: to support, to provide assistance
职责zhí zéNoun: duty, responsibility, obligation
指着zhǐ zheVerb: to point at
zhǒngVerb: to swell
Adjective: swollen
中等zhōng děngAdjective: medium
中华zhōng huáNoun: China
Adjective: Chinese
中期zhōng qīTime: mid-term
钟头zhōng tóuNoun: hour
中外zhōng wàiNoun: home and abroad
忠心zhōng xīnNoun: devotion, loyalty
种种zhǒng zhǒngAdverb: all kinds of
zhōuNoun: porridge
zhǔVerb: to cook, to boil
zhùVerb: to be stationed (troops, diplomats, etc.)
珠宝zhū bǎoNoun: pearls, jewels
主持人zhǔ chí rénNoun: TV or radio presenter
主角zhǔ juéNoun: leading role
主流zhǔ liúNoun: main stream (of river), main aspect of a matter
诸位zhū wèiPronoun: everyone, Ladies and Gentlemen
祝愿zhù yuànNoun: congratulations
Verb: to wish
住宅zhù zháiNoun: residence, tenement
柱子zhù ziNoun: pillar
zhuànVerb: to revolve, to turn, to rotate
Measure Word: for repeat actions
zhuànVerb: to earn, to make a profit
转动zhuàn dòngVerb: to rotate, to revolve, to turn
赚钱zhuàn qiánVerb: to earn money
专用zhuān yòngAdjective: special, dedicated
装备zhuāng bèiNoun: equipment
Verb: to equip, to outfit
壮观zhuàng guānAdjective: spectacular, magnificent, imposing, grand
追究zhuī jiūVerb: to investigate, to look into
zhuōVerb: to clutch, to grab, to capture
自来水zì lái shuǐNoun: tap water
自我zì wǒNoun: self
自学zì xuéNoun: self-study
咨询zī xúnNoun: consultation
Verb: to consult, to seek advice
自言自语zì yán zì yǔVerb: to talk to oneself, to think aloud
自在zì zaiAdjective: unrestrained, comfortable, at ease
总部zǒng bùNoun: headquarters
总监zǒng jiānNoun: director
宗教zōng jiàoNoun: religion
总经理zǒng jīng lǐNoun: general manager, CEO
总量zǒng liàngNoun: overall amount
zòuVerb: to play music
走私zǒu sīNoun: smuggling
Verb: to smuggle
Noun: foot
Adjective: sufficient, ample
Noun: race, ethnicity, nationality
Noun: social group (e.g. office workers, etc.)
祖父zǔ fùNoun: grandfather (paternal)
祖国zǔ guóNoun: fatherland, homeland
租金zū jīnNoun: rent
祖母zǔ mǔNoun: grandmother (maternal)
足以zú yǐAdverb: enough to, sufficient to
zuānVerb: to drill, to dig into, study intensively
zuìNoun: fault, sin, crime
罪恶zuì èNoun: crime, sin
最佳zuì jiāNoun: optimum, peak
Adjective: optimal, best
最终zuì zhōngAdjective: final, ultimate
zuòVerb: to do
作废zuò fèiVerb: to become invalid, to cancel, to delete
座谈会zuò tán huìNoun: conference
作战zuò zhànVerb: to combat, to fight

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