HSK 3 Vocabulary List for HSK 3.0

Below you can find a list of all HSK 3 vocabularies for HSK 3.0 which was launched in 2021. The below are only for HSK 3, you’ll also have to familiarize yourself with the vocabularies for HSK 1 and 2 to pass the test. We also have a list of the older HSK 3 vocabularies for HSK 2.0.


爱心ài xīnNoun: tender feelings, affections
ànVerb: to press, to control
安排ān páiNoun: plan
Verb: to plan, to arrange
按照àn zhàoRelative Clause: according to
安装ān zhuāngNoun: installation
Verb: to install, to mount


Particle: for ba-sentences
Measure Word: for a bunch or objects with handle
把握bǎ wòNoun: assurance
Verb: to grasp, to hold
báiAdverb: free of charge, for nothing
白菜bái càiNoun: Chinese cabbage
bānVerb: to move, to shift
bǎnNoun: board, plank, plate, table tennis bat
班级bān jíNoun: classes/grades in school
搬家bān jiāVerb: to move house
办理bàn lǐVerb: to handle, to conduct
bǎoVerb: to defend, to protect
bàoNoun: newspaper
保安bǎo ānNoun: security guard, public security
Verb: to ensure safety
保持bǎo chíVerb: to keep, to maintain, to preserve
保存bǎo cúnVerb: to conserve, to keep, to save (IT)
报到bào dàoVerb: to check in, to register, to report for duty
报道bào dàoNoun: report
Verb: to report
报告bào gàoNoun: report, speech, talk
Verb: to report
保护bǎo hùNoun: protection
Verb: to protect, to safeguard
保留bǎo liúNoun: reservation
Verb: to reserve, to hold back
保险bǎo xiǎnNoun: insurance
Verb: to insure
Adjective: safe, secure
保证bǎo zhèngNoun: guarantee
Verb: to guarantee, to ensure, to assure
bēiVerb: to carry on the back/shoulder
bèiNoun: back (body)
bèiRelative Clause: by (for passive sentence)
北部běi bùLocation: northern part
背后bèi hòuLocation: behind, behind the back of sbd.
被子bèi ziNoun: quilt
本来běn láiAdjective: original
Adverb: originally, at first
本领běn lǐngNoun: skill, ability, capability
本事běn shiNoun: ability, skill
比较bǐ jiàoAdverb: quite, rather, fairly, comparatively
比例bǐ lìNoun: proportion, scale
必然bì ránAdjective: inevitable, certain
比赛bǐ sàiNoun: competition, match
Verb: to compete
必要bì yàoAdjective: necessary, essential
变化biàn huàNoun: change, variation
变为biàn wéiVerb: to change into
表达biǎo dáVerb: to express, to convey
表格biǎo géNoun: form, table
表面biǎo miànNoun: surface, outside, appearance
表明biǎo míngVerb: to show, to indicate, to make clear
标题biāo tíNoun: title, heading, caption
表现biǎo xiànVerb: to show, to express, to display
表演biǎo yǎnNoun: performance, show
Verb: to perform, to act
标准biāo zhǔnNoun: standard, norm
Adjective: standard
bìngConjunction: and, furthermore
Adverb: simultaneously
并且bìng qiěConjunction: and, besides, moreover
播出bō chūVerb: to broadcast
播放bō fàngVerb: to broadcast, to transmit
Verb: to patch, to mend
Noun: cloth
Noun: step
Noun: department
Measure Word: for movies, machines, cars, etc.
不安bù ānAdjective: disturbed, uneasy
不必bú bìVerb: does not have to
补充bǔ chōngNoun: supplement
Verb: to supplement, to complement
Adjective: additional, supplementary
不得不bù dé bùAuxiliary Verb: to have to, cannot but
不断bú duànAdverb: continuous, unceasing
不光bù guāngAdverb: not only
不仅bù jǐnConjunction: not only, not just
不论bú lùnConjunction: regardless of, no matter what
部门bù ménNoun: department, branch
部长bù zhǎngNoun: minister


才能cái néngNoun: talent, ability
采取cǎi qǔVerb: to carry out, to adopt, to take
彩色cǎi sèNoun: colour
Adjective: colourful, multi-coloured
采用cǎi yòngVerb: to use, to adopt
曾经céng jīngAdverb: once, former, previously
产生chǎn shēngVerb: to produce, to come about
chǎngNoun: factory
长城cháng chéngNoun: the Great Wall
长处cháng chùNoun: good aspects, strong points
场合chǎng héNoun: situation, occasion
长期cháng qīAdjective: long term
场所chǎng suǒNoun: location, place
cháoNoun: dynasty, imperial or royal court
Relative Clause: towards, facing
chǎoVerb: to quarrel
Adjective: noisy
超级chāo jíRelative Clause: super-
吵架chǎo jiàNoun: quarrel
Verb: to quarrel
衬衫chèn shānNoun: shirt, blouse
衬衣chèn yīNoun: shirt
chéngNoun: wall
程度chéng dùNoun: degree, extent, level
成功chéng gōngNoun: success
Verb: to succeed
成果chéng guǒNoun: result, achievement, gain
成就chéng jiùNoun: accomplishment, achievement
成立chéng lìVerb: to establish, to set up, to found
城市chéng shìNoun: city, town
成熟chéng shúAdjective: mature
称为chēng wéiVerb: to call, to name
成员chéng yuánNoun: member
成长chéng zhǎngVerb: to grow up, to mature
持续chí xùVerb: to continue, to persist
chóngVerb: to repeat
充满chōng mǎnVerb: brimming with, full of
chūNoun: beginning
chūNumber: first
初步chū bùAdjective: initial, preliminary
初级chū jíAdjective: primary, elementary
除了chú leConjunction: except for, apart from, besides
处理chǔ lǐVerb: to deal with, to handle, to cope with
初中chū zhōngNoun: junior high school
chuánVerb: to pass on, to transmit, to infect
传播chuán bōVerb: to spread, to propagate, to disseminate
传来chuán láiVerb: to come through (a sound), to arrive (news)
传说chuán shuōNoun: legend, folklore
Verb: it is said, that…
创新chuàng xīnNoun: innovation
Verb: to bring forth new ideas, to innovate
创业chuàng yèVerb: to start an enterprise, to do pioneering work
创造chuàng zàoNoun: creation
Verb: to create, to produce
创作chuàng zuòNoun: creation, creative work
Verb: to create, to produce, to write
从来cóng láiAdverb: always, ever since, at all times
从前cóng qiánTime: previously, formerly
从事cóng shìVerb: to engage in, to do (formal)
cūnNoun: village
cúnVerb: to deposit, to keep
存在cún zàiVerb: to exist
错误cuò wùNoun: error, mistake


达到dá dàoVerb: to achieve, to reach, to attain
大概dà gàiAdverb: probably, roughly
打破dǎ pòVerb: to break, to smash
大使馆dà shǐ guǎnNoun: embassy
打听dǎ tingVerb: to ask about, to inquire about, to nose into
大约dà yuēAdverb: approximately
dàiNoun: generation, dynasty, era
Verb: to substitute, to act on behalf of
代表dài biǎoNoun: representative
Verb: to represent
代表团dài biǎo tuánNoun: delegation
带动dài dòngVerb: to spur, to drive
大夫dài fuNoun: doctor
带领dài lǐngVerb: to guide, to lead
单元dān yuánNoun: unit, cell, entrance number
当初dāng chūAdverb: in the first place, originally
当地dāng dìNoun: locality
Adjective: local
当然dāng ránAdverb: certainly, of course
当中dāng zhōngLocation: among, in the middle
dāoNoun: knife
到达dào dáVerb: to arrive, to reach
到底dào dǐAdverb: finally, in the end
导演dǎo yǎnNoun: director (film, etc.)
Verb: to direct
得分dé fēnNoun: score
Verb: to score
等待děng dàiVerb: to wait for, to await
地区dì qūNoun: region, district, area
底下dǐ xiaLocation: under
电视剧diàn shì jùNoun: TV series
电视台diàn shì táiNoun: TV station
电台diàn táiNoun: broadcasting station, radio station
电子邮件diàn zǐ yóu jiànNoun: e-mail
diàoNoun: tune, melody, accent
Verb: to transfer, to move, to investigate
调查diào cháNoun: investigation, survey
Verb: to investigate, to survey
dìngVerb: to conclude, to order, to reserve
定期dìng qīAdjective: regular, periodical
东部dōng bùLocation: east
动力dòng lìNoun: power, driving force, motive power
动人dòng rénAdjective: touching, moving
读者dú zhěNoun: reader
duànVerb: to cut off, to break, to judge, to decide
Adverb: absolutely, definitely
短处duǎn chùNoun: shortcoming
短裤duǎn kùNoun: shorts
短期duǎn qīTime: short-term
对待duì dàiNoun: treatment
Verb: to treat, to approach
对方duì fāngNoun: counterpart, the other side
对手duì shǒuNoun: opponent, rival
对象duì xiàngNoun: lover, partner, target, object
队员duì yuánNoun: team member
dùnNoun: pause
Verb: to stop, to pause, to arrange
Measure Word: for meals, beatings, etc.


发表fā biǎoVerb: to issue, to publish
发出fā chūVerb: to issue, to dispatch, to produce a sound
发达fā dáVerb: to develop
Adjective: developed (country, etc.)
发动fā dòngVerb: to start, to launch, to arouse
发明fā míngNoun: invention
Verb: to invent
发生fā shēngVerb: to happen, to occur, to take place
发送fā sòngVerb: to dispatch, to transmit
发言fā yánNoun: statement
Verb: to speak, to make a speech
发展fā zhǎnNoun: development, growth
Verb: to develop, to grow
反对fǎn duìVerb: to fight against, to oppose
反复fǎn fùAdverb: repeatedly
范围fàn wéiNoun: scope limit, range
反应fǎn yìngNoun: reaction, response
Verb: to react, to respond
反正fǎn zhèngAdverb: anyway, whatever happens
fángVerb: to protect, to defend, to prevent
放到fàng dàoVerb: to put
房东fáng dōngNoun: landlord
方式fāng shìNoun: way, pattern, manner
访问fǎng wènNoun: visit
Verb: to visit, to interview
房屋fáng wūNoun: house, building
防止fáng zhǐVerb: to prevent, to avoid
房租fáng zūNoun: rent (for house)
fèiNoun: fee, fare, expense
Verb: to spend
飞行fēi xíngNoun: flight
Verb: to fly
费用fèi yongNoun: expenses, cost
分别fēn biéNoun: difference
Verb: to leave each other, to distinguish
Adverb: separate
分配fēn pèiVerb: to assign, to allocate
分组fēn zǔVerb: to divide into groups
丰富fēng fùAdjective: rich, plentiful
风险fēng xiǎnNoun: risk, venture
否定fǒu dìngNoun: negation
Verb: to negate, to deny
否认fǒu rènVerb: to deny
Noun: good fortune, happiness, luck
Verb: to pay
Adjective: rich
父母fù mǔNoun: parents
父亲fù qīnNoun: father
复印fù yìnVerb: to (photo)copy
复杂fù záAdjective: complicated, complex
负责fù zéVerb: to be responsible for
服装fú zhuāngNoun: clothing, dress


改进gǎi jìnNoun: improvement
Verb: to improve
概念gài niànNoun: concept, idea
改造gǎi zàoVerb: to transform, to reform
gǎnVerb: to hurry, to catch up, to overtake
gǎnAuxiliary Verb: to dare
赶到gǎn dàoVerb: to hurry to a place, to arrive on time
赶紧gǎn jǐnAdverb: at once, losing no time
赶快gǎn kuàiAdverb: at once, immediately
干吗gàn máExpression: what are you doing? what’s up?
感冒gǎn màoNoun: common cold
Verb: to catch a cold
感情gǎn qíngNoun: emotion, feeling
感受gǎn shòuNoun: feeling, perception
Verb: to sense, to feel
告别gào biéVerb: to leave, to say good-bye to
高速gāo sùNoun: high speed
高速公路gāo sù gōng lùNoun: highway
Pronoun: each, every
各地gè dìLocation: in all parts of
歌迷gē míNoun: fan of a singer
个人gè rénNoun: individual
Adjective: individual
歌声gē shēngNoun: singing
歌手gē shǒuNoun: singer
各位gè wèiAdverb: everybody
个性gè xìngNoun: personality, character
各种gè zhǒngAdverb: all kinds of
各自gè zìAdverb: each, respective
根本gēn běnNoun: foundation, root
Adjective: fundamental, simple, basic
更加gèng jiāAdverb: more, even more
公布gōng bùVerb: to announce, to make public
工厂gōng chǎngNoun: factory
工程师gōng chéng shīNoun: engineer
工夫gōng fuNoun: labour, work, time skill, Kung Fu
功夫gōng fuNoun: time, skill, labour, workmanship, Kung Fu
公共gōng gòngAdjective: public, common
工具gōng jùNoun: tool, utensil
公开gōng kāiVerb: to publish, to make public
Adjective: public
功课gōng kèNoun: homework
公民gōng mínNoun: citizen
功能gōng néngNoun: function, feature
共同gòng tóngAdjective: common, joint, together
公务员gōng wù yuánNoun: functionary
工业gōng yèNoun: industry
共有gòng yǒuNoun: co-ownership, something owned by all or several people
工资gōng zīNoun: salary, wages
Adjective: ancient, old
古代gǔ dàiTime: ancient times
姑娘gū niangNoun: girl, young woman, daughter
故乡gù xiāngNoun: home, hometown
guàVerb: to hang (up)
guǎnNoun: pipe, tube
Verb: to control, to run, to take care of
观察guān cháNoun: observation
Verb: to observe, to watch, to survey
观看guān kànVerb: to watch
管理guǎn lǐNoun: management
Verb: to manage
观念guān niànNoun: concept, idea, thought
关系guān xìNoun: relationship, relation
Verb: to affect, to have to do with
观众guān zhòngNoun: audience, spectators
关注guān zhùNoun: interest, attention
Verb: pay attention to, to follow sth.
guāngNoun: light, ray
Adjective: naked
Adverb: only, merely
广播guǎng bōNoun: broadcasting
Verb: to broadcast
广大guǎng dàAdjective: vast, extensive, widespread
光明guāng míngNoun: light, radiance
Adjective: light, bright
规定guī dìngNoun: regulation, provision
Verb: to fix, to stipulate
规范guī fànNoun: norm, rule, standard
过程guò chéngNoun: process, course
国内guó nèiLocation: in the country
Adjective: domestic
国庆guó qìngNoun: National Day
过去guò qùNoun: past
果然guǒ ránAdverb: as expected
果汁guǒ zhīNoun: fruit juice


哈哈hā hāExpression: sound of laughter
海关hǎi guānNoun: customs
害怕hài pàVerb: to be afraid, to fear
hángNoun: profession, trade
Measure Word: for a row, line
好好hǎo hǎoAdjective: nice, good
好奇hào qíAdjective: curious, inquisitive
Verb: to close, to join, to fit
合法hé fǎAdjective: legal, legitimate
合格hé géAdjective: qualified
合理hé lǐAdjective: reasonable, rational
和平hé píngNoun: peace
合作hé zuòNoun: cooperation
Verb: to cooperate, to work together
红茶hóng cháNoun: black tea
红酒hóng jiǔNoun: red wine
后果hòu guǒNoun: consequence, aftermath
后面hòu miànLocation: rear, back, behind
后年hòu niánTime: the year after next
互联网hù lián wǎngNoun: internet
互相hù xiāngAdverb: each other
huàParticle: -ize, -ization
划船huá chuánNoun: rowing, rowing boat
Verb: to row a boat
话剧huà jùNoun: drama, stage play
华人huá rénNoun: ethnic Chinese
话题huà tíNoun: topic
huánNoun: ring, loop, hoop
环保huán bǎoNoun: environmental protection
环境huán jìngNoun: environment, surroundings
欢乐huān lèNoun: gladness, pleasure
Adjective: happy, joyous, gay
会议huì yìNoun: meeting, conference
会员huì yuánNoun: member
huóVerb: to live
huǒNoun: fire


基本jī běnAdjective: basic, fundamental
基本上jī běn shangAdverb: basically
基础jī chǔNoun: base, foundation, basis
积极jī jíAdjective: positive, active
…极了jí leAdverb: extremely, exceedingly
记录jì lùNoun: record
纪录jì lùNoun: record
纪念jì niànNoun: commemoration
Verb: to commemorate
机器jī qìNoun: machine
及时jí shíAdjective: in time
Adverb: without delay
技术jì shùNoun: technology, skill, technique
计算jì suànNoun: calculation
Verb: to count, to calculate
集体jí tǐNoun: collective
继续jì xùNoun: continuation
Verb: to continue, to go on
记者jì zhěNoun: reporter, journalist
集中jí zhōngVerb: to concentrate, to focus
jiàNoun: shelf, frame, stand
Verb: to put up, to support
Measure Word: for planes, machines, mountains, etc.
价格jià géNoun: price
加工jiā gōngNoun: processing
Verb: to process, to manufacture
家具jiā jùNoun: furniture
加快jiā kuàiVerb: to speed up
价钱jià qianNoun: price
加强jiā qiángVerb: to strengthen, to reinforce
家属jiā shǔNoun: family member, dependent
家乡jiā xiāngNoun: hometown, native place
价值jià zhíNoun: value, worth
jiànVerb: to establish, to build
建成jiàn chéngVerb: to build, to establish
坚持jiān chíVerb: to stick to, to persist in, to insist on
简单jiǎn dānAdjective: simple, uncomplicated
坚决jiān juéAdjective: resolute, determined
建立jiàn lìVerb: to build, to establish
坚强jiān qiángAdjective: strong
建设jiàn shèNoun: construction
Verb: to build, to construct
建议jiàn yìNoun: suggestion
Verb: to suggest
简直jiǎn zhíAdverb: simply, totally
将近jiāng jìnAdverb: nearly, about, on the verge of
将来jiāng láiNoun: future
Adverb: in the future
jiàoParticle: by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
jiàoVerb: to compare
Adverb: comparably
教材jiào cáiNoun: teaching material
交费jiāo fèiVerb: to pay fees
交警jiāo jǐngNoun: traffic police
教练jiào liànNoun: sports coach, instructor
交流jiāo liúNoun: communication, exchange
Verb: to exchange, to communicate
交往jiāo wǎngNoun: association, contact
Verb: to associate, to contact
交易jiāo yìNoun: transaction, business deal, trade
接待jiē dàiVerb: to receive (visitor)
结合jié héNoun: binding
Verb: to combine, to link, to integrate
结婚jié hūnNoun: marriage, wedding
Verb: to marry
接近jiē jìnVerb: to near, to approach, to be close to
解决jiě juéVerb: to settle (dispute), to resolve, to solve
解开jiě kāiVerb: to undo, to untie
结实jiē shiAdjective: solid, durable, sturdy
结束jié shùNoun: termination, end
Verb: to finish, to end, to conclude
节约jié yuēVerb: to economize, to conserve
jīnNoun: gold
Adjective: gold, golden
jǐnAdverb: barely, only
jǐnAdjective: tight, tense, urgent
进步jìn bùNoun: progress, improvement
Verb: to improve, make progress
紧急jǐn jíAdjective: urgent, pressing
仅仅jǐn jǐnAdverb: barely, only, merely
尽量jǐn liàngAdverb: to the best of one’s ability
金牌jīn páiNoun: gold medal
近期jìn qīTime: in the near future, very soon
进一步jìn yí bùExpression: one step further
进展jìn zhǎnNoun: progress
Verb: to evolve, to make progress
紧张jǐn zhāngAdjective: nervous, tense, in short supply
jìngAdjective: calm, quiet
精彩jīng cǎiAdjective: brilliant, excellent, splendid
警察jǐng cháNoun: police
经济jīng jìNoun: economy
京剧jīng jùNoun: Beijing Opera
经历jīng lìNoun: experience
Verb: to experience
景色jǐng sèNoun: scenery, view, landscape
精神jīng shénNoun: spirit, mind
精神jīng shenNoun: vigour, vitality, drive
Adjective: spirited, energetic
经验jīng yànNoun: experience
Verb: to experience
经营jīng yíngVerb: to run, to operate, to engage in (business, etc.)
jiǔAdjective: long (time)
jiùAdjective: old, used, worn
jiùVerb: to relieve, to rescue
就是jiù shìAdverb: precisely, exactly, in that way
就业jiù yèVerb: to take up a job
举办jǔ bànVerb: to hold, to conduct
剧场jù chǎngNoun: theatre
据说jù shuōAdverb: it is said, reportedly
具体jù tǐAdjective: concrete, specific
具有jù yǒuVerb: to have, to possess
决定jué dìngNoun: decision
Verb: to decide
绝对jué duìAdjective: absolute, unconditional
决赛jué sàiNoun: final (competition)
决心jué xīnNoun: determination, resolution
Verb: to make up one’s mind


咖啡kā fēiNoun: coffee
开发kāi fāVerb: to develop (e.g. IT), to exploit (a resource)
开放kāi fàngVerb: to open up (for public, etc.)
开始kāi shǐNoun: beginning
Verb: to begin
开业kāi yèVerb: to open a business
开展kāi zhǎnVerb: to develop, to launch, to carry out
看起来kàn qǐ láiVerb: to look like, to seem, to appear
看上去kàn shang quVerb: it seems that
考验kǎo yànNoun: test, trial
Verb: to test, to try
课程kè chéngNoun: course, class
克服kè fúVerb: to overcome, to conquer, to put up with
客观kè guānAdjective: objective, impartial
科技kē jìNoun: science and technology
可靠kě kàoAdjective: reliable, dependable
可乐kě lèNoun: coke, cola
kōngNoun: sky, air
Adjective: empty
空儿kòng erTime: free time
恐怕kǒng pàAdverb: I’m afraid that
空调kōng tiáoNoun: air conditioning
裤子kù ziNoun: trousers
快速kuài sùAdjective: fast, high-speed
kùnAdjective: sleepy, tired
困难kùn nanNoun: difficulty, problem
Adjective: difficult


浪费làng fèiVerb: to waste
老百姓lǎo bǎi xìngNoun: ordinary people
老板lǎo bǎnNoun: boss, owner
老太太lǎo tài taiNoun: old lady
老头儿lǎo tóu erNoun: old man
Adjective: happy, cheerful
乐观lè guānAdjective: optimistic, hopeful
lèiNoun: sort, kind, category
Measure Word: for sorts, types, categories, etc.
类似lèi sìAdjective: similar, analogous
Noun: power, force
理发lǐ fàVerb: to have a haircut
离婚lí hūnNoun: divorce
Verb: to divorce (from)
理解lǐ jiěNoun: comprehension, understanding
Verb: to comprehend, to understand
立刻lì kèAdverb: immediately, at once
力量lì liàngNoun: power, force, strength
理论lǐ lùnNoun: theory
里面lǐ miànLocation: inside
利用lì yòngVerb: to make use of, to utilize
理由lǐ yóuNoun: reason, justification
liánVerb: to link, to join, to connect
Adverb: even
联合lián héNoun: alliance, union
Verb: to unite, to join
Adjective: combined, joint
联合国lián hé guóNoun: United Nations
连忙lián mángAdverb: promptly, at once
联系lián xìNoun: contact, connection
Verb: to contact
连续lián xùAdverb: in a row, consecutive
连续剧lián xù jùNoun: (TV) series
凉水liáng shuǐNoun: cold water
liǎoVerb: to end, to finish, to settle
lǐngNoun: neck, collar
Verb: to lead, to receive
Measure Word: for clothes, mats, screens, etc.
领导lǐng dǎoNoun: leader, leadership
Verb: to lead
另外lìng wàiConjunction: in addition, moreover, furthermore
领先lǐng xiānVerb: to lead, to be in front
另一方面lìng yī fāng miànConjunction: on the other hand
留学liú xuéVerb: to study abroad
lóngNoun: dragon
Verb: to record
绿茶lǜ cháNoun: green tea
旅馆lǚ guǎnNoun: hotel
路线lù xiànNoun: route, line, course
旅行社lǚ xíng shèNoun: travel agency
录音lù yīnNoun: sound recording
Verb: to record
luànNoun: disorder
Verb: to cause disorder
Adjective: in a mess, confused
落后luò hòuVerb: to fall behind, to lag


Noun: horse
麻烦má fanVerb: to trouble sbd.
Adjective: troublesome
慢慢màn mànAdjective: slow
满足mǎn zúVerb: to satisfy
máoNoun: hair, down
毛病máo bìngNoun: defect, fault, trouble
měiAdverb: each, per
Pronoun: all, each, every
měiAdjective: beautiful
美好měi hǎoAdjective: beautiful, fine
美丽měi lìAdjective: beautiful
美食měi shíNoun: fine food
美术měi shùNoun: fine arts, art
媒体méi tǐNoun: media
没用méi yòngAdjective: useless
美元měi yuánNoun: US dollar
Noun: fan
Verb: to fascinate, to be fascinated by, to be confused
Noun: rice
面对miàn duìVerb: to face, to confront
面积miàn jīNoun: area
民间mín jiānAdjective: popular, among the people
民族mín zúNoun: nationality, ethnic group
明确míng quèAdjective: clear, definite, explicit
明显míng xiǎnAdjective: clear, obvious
命运mìng yùnNoun: fate, destiny
mǒuPronoun: some, certain
目标mù biāoNoun: goal, target, objective
目前mù qiánTime: at present, now
母亲mǔ qīnNoun: mother
木头mù touNoun: log of wood, blockhead


奶茶nǎi cháNoun: milk tea
南部nán bùLocation: southern part
难道nán dàoAdverb: don’t tell me …, is it possible that …
难度nán dùNoun: grade of difficulty
男子nán zǐNoun: man
nèiLocation: inside, inner
内容nèi róngNoun: content, substance
内心nèi xīnNoun: heart
能不能néng bù néngExpression: can one …
能力néng lìNoun: ability, capability
niànVerb: to read aloud
年初nián chūTime: beginning of the year
年代nián dàiTime: decade, age, period
年底nián dǐTime: the end of the year
年纪nián jìNoun: age
niúNoun: cow, ox
农村nóng cūnNoun: village, rural area
农民nóng mínNoun: peasant, farmer
农业nóng yèNoun: agriculture, farming
女子nǚ zǐNoun: woman
暖和nuǎn huoAdjective: warm


Adverb: unfortunately
pāiVerb: to clap, to slap, to take (a photo)
páiVerb: to arrange, to line up
pàiNoun: school, group, pi (π)
Verb: to send, to assign
排名pái míngNoun: ranking
Verb: to rank
牌子pái ziNoun: brand, trademark, plate
判断pàn duànNoun: decision, judgement
Verb: to decide, to judge
pàngAdjective: fat, plump
跑步pǎo bùVerb: to run
pèiVerb: to fit, to match, to join
配合pèi héVerb: to coordinate, to cooperate, to fit
Noun: skin, leather
皮包pí bāoNoun: leather handbag/briefcase
啤酒pí jiǔNoun: beer
批评pī píngNoun: criticism
Verb: to criticize
批准pī zhǔnVerb: to approve, to ratify
票价piào jiàNoun: ticket price, fare
苹果píng guǒNoun: apple
评价píng jiàVerb: to assess, to evaluate
Verb: to break, to destroy
Adjective: broken, damaged
破坏pò huàiNoun: destruction, damage
Verb: to destroy, to break
普遍pǔ biànAdjective: universal, general
普及pǔ jíVerb: to popularize
Adjective: popular, universally available


Time: period, phase
Adverb: simultaneous, all together
Adjective: even, level with
其次qí cìAdverb: next, secondary
Conjunction: secondly
奇怪qí guàiAdjective: strange, weird
气候qì hòuNoun: climate, atmosphere
其实qí shíAdverb: actually, in fact
前后qián hòuAdverb: front and rear, around, roughly
前进qián jìnVerb: to go forward, to advance
前面qián miànLocation: ahead, in front
千万qiān wànNumber: 10 million
Adjective: countless, many
Adverb: must, be sure to
前往qián wǎngVerb: to proceed towards, to go
qiángAdjective: strong, powerful
强大qiáng dàAdjective: large, powerful
强调qiáng diàoVerb: to emphasize, to stress, to underline
强烈qiáng lièAdjective: intense, strong, violent
qiáoNoun: bridge
qiǎoAdjective: skilful
Adverb: coincidentally, as it happens
qīnAdjective: close, related
亲切qīn qièNoun: friendliness, hospitality
Adjective: kind, cordial, amiable
亲人qīn rénNoun: relatives
亲自qīn zìAdverb: personally
情感qíng gǎnNoun: feeling, emotion
请教qǐng jiàoVerb: to consult, to seek advice
情况qíng kuàngNoun: circumstance, situation
庆祝qìng zhùVerb: to celebrate
球迷qiú míNoun: football fan
Noun: area, region, district
区别qū biéNoun: difference
Verb: to distinguish
去世qù shìVerb: to pass away, to die
取消qǔ xiāoNoun: cancellation
Verb: to cancel
全场quán chǎngAdverb: across the board, everyone present
全面quán miànAdjective: all-around, overall, comprehensive
全球quán qiúLocation: worldwide
quēVerb: to lack
确保què bǎoVerb: to assure, to guarantee
缺点quē diǎnNoun: weakness, shortcoming
确定què dìngVerb: to make sure, to define, to determine
缺少quē shǎoNoun: lack, shortage
Verb: to lack, to be short of
确实què shíAdjective: indeed, really
Adverb: for sure, indeed
qúnMeasure Word: for group, crowd, etc.
裙子qún ziNoun: skirt


热爱rè àiVerb: to love ardently, to adore
热烈rè lièAdjective: warm (welcome, etc.), enthusiastic
rènVerb: to assign, to appoint
rènAdverb: no matter how
人才rén cáiNoun: talent, talented person
认出rèn chūNoun: recognition
Verb: to recognize
认得rèn deVerb: to recognize, to know
人工rén gōngAdjective: artificial, man-made
任何rèn héAdjective: any, whichever, whatever
认可rèn kěNoun: approval, acknowledgement
Verb: to approve, to accept
人类rén lèiNoun: humanity, mankind
人民rén mínNoun: the people
人民币rén mín bìNoun: RMB, Chinese Yuan
人群rén qúnNoun: crowd
人生rén shēngNoun: life, human life
任务rèn wuNoun: mission, task
人员rén yuánNoun: staff, personnel
réngAdverb: still, yet
Verb: to remain
仍然réng ránAdverb: still, yet
日常rì chángAdjective: daily
容易róng yìAdjective: easy
如何rú héAdverb: how, in what way


散步sàn bùVerb: to take/go for a walk
沙发shā fāNoun: sofa
沙子shā ziNoun: sand
shāngVerb: to injure, to wound
上来shàng láiVerb: to come up
上面shàng mianLocation: on top of
商品shāng pǐnNoun: good, commodity
上去shàng qùVerb: to go up
上升shàng shēngVerb: to rise, to ascend
伤心shāng xīnAdjective: sad, grievous, broken-hearted
商业shāng yèNoun: business, commerce, trade
上衣shàng yīNoun: jacket
设备shè bèiNoun: equipment, facilities
社会shè huìNoun: society
设计shè jìNoun: design, plan
Verb: to design, to plan
设立shè lìVerb: to set up, to establish
shēnAdjective: deep, dark (colour, etc.)
身份证shēn fèn zhèngNoun: ID card
深刻shēn kèAdjective: profound, deep
深入shēn rùVerb: to penetrate deeply
Adjective: deep, thorough
shēngVerb: to promote, to raise
Measure Word: 1 litre
shēngAdjective: raw, uncooked
shèngNoun: victory, win
Verb: to win, to surpass
生产shēng chǎnNoun: production
Verb: to produce, to manufacture
生存shēng cúnNoun: existence
Verb: to exist, to survive
生动shēng dòngAdjective: vivid, lively
胜利shèng lìNoun: victory, triumph
生命shēng mìngNoun: life
声明shēng míngNoun: statement, declaration
Verb: to state, to declare
生意shēng yiNoun: business
生长shēng zhǎngVerb: to grow
shíTime: time, season, period
使shǐNoun: envoy, messenger
Verb: to make, to cause, to use, to employ
shìNoun: room
市场shì chǎngNoun: market
时代shí dàiTime: time, era, epoch
事故shì gùNoun: accident
适合shì héVerb: to fit, to suit
世纪shì jìNoun: century
实际上shí jì shàngAdverb: in fact, in reality
事件shì jiànNoun: event, happening, incident
世界shì jièNoun: world
世界杯shì jiè bēiNoun: World Cup
时刻shí kèTime: moment
实力shí lìNoun: strength
食品shí pǐnNoun: food
失去shī qùVerb: to lose (sth.)
事实shì shíNoun: fact
事实上shì shí shàngAdverb: actually, in reality
试题shì tíNoun: exam question, test topic
石头shí touNoun: stone
实行shí xíngVerb: to put into practice, to carry out
实验shí yànNoun: experiment
Verb: to experiment
试验shì yànNoun: experiment
Verb: to test, to experiment
实验室shí yàn shìNoun: laboratory
事业shì yèNoun: undertaking, career
适应shì yìngVerb: to fit, to suit, to adapt
适用shì yòngAdjective: useful, applicable
石油shí yóuNoun: oil, petroleum
始终shǐ zhōngAdverb: from beginning to end
shòuVerb: to receive, to accept, to bear
首都shǒu dūNoun: capital city
收费shōu fèiNoun: fee, charge
收看shōu kànVerb: to watch TV
受伤shòu shāngVerb: to get injured
收听shōu tīngVerb: to listen
首先shǒu xiānAdverb: first of all
手续shǒu xùNoun: procedure, formality
收音机shōu yīn jīNoun: radio
手指shǒu zhǐNoun: finger
shūVerb: to transport, to lose, to be beaten
shǔNoun: family member
Verb: to be born in the year of
shùNoun: bundle, cluster
Verb: to bind, to tie
Measure Word: for a bundle of
书架shū jiàNoun: bookshelf
数量shù liàngNoun: amount, quantity
熟人shú rénNoun: acquaintance
输入shū rùVerb: to import, to input
属于shǔ yúVerb: to belong to, to be part of
shuāngAdjective: two, pair, both
Measure Word: for a pair (of shoes, etc.)
双方shuāng fāngNoun: both sides
Adjective: bilateral
Noun: death
Verb: to die
Adjective: dead
思想sī xiǎngNoun: idea, thought, thinking
速度sù dùNoun: speed
suíVerb: to follow, to comply with
suǒNoun: place
Measure Word: for houses, buildings, institutions
所长suǒ zhǎngNoun: head of an institute


táiNoun: desk, platform
Measure Word: for vehicles, machines, etc.
tánVerb: to talk
谈话tán huàVerb: to talk, to chat
谈判tán pànNoun: negotiation, talks
Verb: to negotiate
tāngNoun: soup
tángNoun: sugar, sweets, candy
特色tè sèNoun: distinguishing feature
Adjective: characteristic
体会tǐ huìVerb: to know (through experience), to experience
题目tí mùNoun: topic, title
提前tí qiánVerb: to bring forward
Adjective: early
Adverb: beforehand
提问tí wènVerb: to raise a question
体现tǐ xiànVerb: to embody, to incarnate
体验tǐ yànVerb: to experience (for oneself)
tiánAdjective: sweet
天空tiān kōngNoun: sky
tiáoVerb: to harmonize, to reconcile, to season (food)
tiàoVerb: to jump, to leap, to bounce
跳高tiào gāoNoun: high jump
跳舞tiào wǔVerb: to dance
跳远tiào yuǎnNoun: long jump
调整tiáo zhěngNoun: adjustment
Verb: to adjust, to revise
tiěNoun: iron
铁路tiě lùNoun: railway
听力tīng lìNoun: hearing, listening ability
停止tíng zhǐVerb: to stop, to halt
听众tīng zhòngNoun: audience
tòngAdjective: aching, painful
通常tōng chángAdverb: regular, usually, normally
痛苦tòng kǔNoun: pain, suffering
Adjective: painful
通信tōng xìnNoun: communication
Verb: to communicate, to correspond
同意tóng yìVerb: to agree, to consent, to approve
tóuAdjective: first, leading
头脑tóu nǎoNoun: brain, mind, skull, leader, boss
Noun: picture
Noun: earth, soil
突出tū chūAdjective: outstanding
图画tú huàNoun: drawing, picture
突然tū ránAdjective: sudden, abrupt
Adverb: suddenly, unexpectedly
tuánNoun: group, regiment
Measure Word: for ball-like things
团结tuán jiéNoun: rally
Verb: to unite, to join forces, to hold a rally
团体tuán tǐNoun: group, organization, team
退tuìVerb: to return, to decline, to withdraw
退出tuì chūVerb: to withdraw, to quit
推动tuī dòngVerb: to push forward, to promote
推广tuī guǎngVerb: to spread, to popularize
推进tuī jìnVerb: to push on, to drive forward
推开tuī kāiVerb: to push open, to reject
退休tuì xiūNoun: retirement
Verb: to retire


外交wài jiāoNoun: diplomacy, foreign affairs
外面wài mianLocation: outside
外文wài wénNoun: foreign language
玩具wán jùNoun: toy
完美wán měiAdjective: perfect
完善wán shànVerb: to improve, to make perfect
Adjective: perfect
完整wán zhěngAdjective: complete, intact
往往wǎng wǎngAdverb: often
wéiVerb: as (sbd./sth.), to act as
wèiConjunction: because of
wéiVerb: to encircle, to surround
伟大wěi dàAdjective: great, mighty
危害wēi hàiNoun: endangerment
Verb: to endanger, to harm
为了wèi leRelative Clause: for, in order to
卫生wèi shēngNoun: hygiene, sanitation
卫生间wèi shēng jiānNoun: bathroom, WC
危险wēi xiǎnNoun: danger
Adjective: dangerous
文化wén huàNoun: culture
文件wén jiànNoun: document, file
文明wén míngNoun: civilization, culture
Adjective: civilized
温暖wēn nuǎnAdjective: warm
文学wén xuéNoun: literature
文章wén zhāngNoun: article, essay
文字wén zìNoun: character
握手wò shǒuVerb: to shake hands
武器wǔ qìNoun: weapon, arms
武术wǔ shùNoun: martial arts
舞台wǔ táiNoun: stage
屋子wū ziNoun: room, house


Noun: system, department
西部xī bùLocation: western part
希望xī wàngNoun: hope
Verb: to hope, to wish
下来xià laiVerb: to come down
下面xià mianLocation: below, under
Adverb: next
下去xià quVerb: to go down
线xiànNoun: thread, wire, line
现场xiàn chǎngNoun: scene, site, locale
Adjective: live, on-the-spot, on-site
现代xiàn dàiNoun: modern times, the contemporary age
显得xiǎn deVerb: to seem, to look, to appear
先进xiān jìnAdjective: advanced, developed
现金xiàn jīnNoun: cash
显然xiǎn ránAdjective: clear, evident
显示xiǎn shìNoun: display
Verb: to show, to display, to demonstrate
现实xiàn shíNoun: reality, actuality
Adjective: real, actual
现象xiàn xiàngNoun: appearance, phenomenon
xiāngAdjective: fragrant
相比xiāng bǐVerb: to compare
相当xiāng dāngVerb: to be equivalent to
Adjective: appropriate
Adverb: quite, rather, fairly
相关xiāng guānNoun: correlation, dependence
Verb: to be interrelated
相互xiāng hùAdverb: each other, mutual
香蕉xiāng jiāoNoun: banana
相似xiāng sìVerb: to resemble, to be similar to
消费xiāo fèiNoun: consumption
Verb: to consume
效果xiào guǒNoun: effect, result
消失xiāo shīVerb: to disappear, to fade away
消息xiāo xiNoun: news, information
写作xiě zuòNoun: writing
Verb: to write, to compose
xīnNoun: heart
xìnVerb: to believe, to trust
信封xìn fēngNoun: envelope
信任xìn rènNoun: trust
Verb: to trust
xìngParticle: suffix forming noun from adjective
性别xìng biéNoun: gender, sex
形成xíng chéngVerb: to form, to take shape
幸福xìng fúNoun: happiness
Adjective: happy
性格xìng géNoun: nature, temperament, character
行李xíng liNoun: luggage
形式xíng shìNoun: form, shape
形象xíng xiàngNoun: image, appearance, figure
幸运xìng yùnNoun: luck, fortune
Adjective: lucky, fortunate
形状xíng zhuàngNoun: form, shape
xiūVerb: to repair
修改xiū gǎiNoun: modification
Verb: to modify, to amend, to revise
需求xū qiúNoun: requirement, demand
需要xū yàoNoun: needs
Verb: to need, to want
宣布xuān bùVerb: to declare, to announce
宣传xuān chuánNoun: propaganda
Verb: to propagate, to disseminate
选手xuǎn shǒuNoun: athlete, player
xuèNoun: blood
学费xué fèiNoun: school or university fee
训练xùn liànNoun: training
Verb: to train, to drill


Verb: to press, to push down
压力yā lìNoun: pressure
yānNoun: smoke, tobacco, cigarette
yǎnVerb: to perform
演唱yǎn chàngVerb: to sing for an audience
演唱会yǎn chàng huìNoun: concert
演出yǎn chūNoun: performance, show
Verb: to perform, to put on a show
眼前yǎn qiánNoun: before one’s eyes
演员yǎn yuánNoun: performer, actor
yángNoun: sheep, goat
阳光yáng guāngNoun: sunshine
要是yào shiConjunction: if, in case
Adverb: already
一方面yī fāng miànConjunction: on one hand
衣架yī jiàNoun: clothes hanger
以来yǐ láiAdverb: since
一切yí qièPronoun: all, everything
艺术yì shùNoun: art
意外yì wàiNoun: accident
Adjective: unexpected, accidental
意义yì yìNoun: meaning, sense, significance
yínNoun: silver
Adjective: silver (colour)
因此yīn cǐConjunction: thus, consequently
银牌yín páiNoun: silver medal
印象yìn xiàngNoun: impression
yíngVerb: to win, to beat
应当yīng dāngAuxiliary Verb: should
迎接yíng jiēVerb: to greet, to welcome, to meet
影视yǐng shìNoun: movies and television
营养yíng yǎngNoun: nutrition, nourishment
应用yìng yòngNoun: application
Verb: to apply, to use
yóuRelative Clause: due to, because of, by, from
yóuVerb: to swim, to tour, to travel
有的是yǒu de shìAdverb: to have plenty of
优点yōu diǎnNoun: merit, advantage, strong point
邮件yóu jiànNoun: mail, post
有利yǒu lìAdjective: advantageous, beneficial
邮票yóu piàoNoun: stamp
优势yōu shìNoun: superiority, dominance, advantage
游戏yóu xìNoun: game, play
邮箱yóu xiāngNoun: mailbox
有效yǒu xiàoAdjective: effective
游泳yóu yǒngNoun: swimming
Verb: to swim
由于yóu yúRelative Clause: due to, because of
预报yù bàoNoun: forecast
预防yù fángNoun: prevention, prophylaxis
Verb: to prevent
预计yù jìVerb: to forecast, to estimate
预习yù xíVerb: to prepare for (a lesson)
yuánNoun: employee, member
员工yuán gōngNoun: employee, staff
愿望yuàn wàngNoun: desire, wish
yuēVerb: to make an appointment
乐队yuè duìNoun: band, orchestra
运输yùn shūNoun: transport
Verb: to transport


杂志zá zhìNoun: magazine
zàoVerb: to make, to build, to invent
造成zào chéngVerb: to bring about, to create, to cause
早已zǎo yǐTime: long ago, for a long time
责任zé rènNoun: duty, responsibility
增加zēng jiāVerb: to increase, to raise
增长zēng zhǎngNoun: increase, growth
Verb: to increase, to grow
展开zhǎn kāiVerb: to unfold, to carry out, to spread out
zhāngVerb: to open up, to spread
Measure Word: for pieces, flat objects
zhàoVerb: to shine, to illuminate, to take (a photo)
Adverb: according to
zhěParticle: for a person, that is doing something
真实zhēn shíAdjective: real, true
zhēngVerb: to strive for
zhěngVerb: to repair, to renovate
Adjective: in good order, complete
zhèngAdjective: upright, honest
zhèngNoun: certificate, proof
Verb: to prove, to demonstrate
整个zhěng gèAdjective: whole, entire
证件zhèng jiànNoun: certificate
证据zhèng jùNoun: evidence, proof
整理zhěng lǐVerb: to arrange, to tidy up
证明zhèng míngNoun: proof, certificate, testimonial
Verb: to prove, to testify
整齐zhěng qíAdjective: neat, tidy, in good order
争取zhēng qǔVerb: to strive for, to fight for
正式zhèng shìAdjective: formal, official
整体zhěng tǐNoun: whole entity
整天zhěng tiānTime: all day long
整整zhěng zhěngAdverb: whole, full
zhīMeasure Word: for stick-like objects
zhīMeasure Word: for birds and animals, a pair of things, parts of the body, etc.
zhíVerb: to straighten
Adjective: straight, direct
zhíVerb: to be worth it, to happen
zhǐNoun: finger
Verb: to point at or to, to indicate
直播zhí bōNoun: live broadcast
支持zhī chíNoun: support, backing
Verb: to support, to back
指出zhǐ chūVerb: to indicate, to point out
直到zhí dàoAdverb: until
指导zhǐ dǎoNoun: guidance
Verb: to guide, to direct
值得zhí déVerb: to be worth, to deserve
制定zhì dìngVerb: to formulate, to work out, to draw up
制度zhì dùNoun: system
支付zhī fùVerb: to pay
职工zhí gōngNoun: workers, staff
只好zhǐ hǎoAdverb: have to
至今zhì jīnTime: until now, until today
至少zhì shǎoAdverb: at least
只是zhǐ shìAdverb: merely, simply, only
职业zhí yèNoun: occupation, profession
只有zhǐ yǒuAdverb: only
志愿zhì yuànNoun: aspiration, ambition
Adjective: voluntary
志愿者zhì yuàn zhěNoun: volunteer
制造zhì zàoVerb: to make, to manufacture
制作zhì zuòVerb: to make, to manufacture, to produce
zhōngNoun: clock, bell
Measure Word: o’clock
zhǒngNoun: species, race, breed
Measure Word: for type, kind, sort or for languages
中部zhōng bùNoun: middle part, central section
重大zhòng dàAdjective: important
中华民族zhōng huá mín zúNoun: the Chinese people
终于zhōng yúAdverb: at last, finally, eventually
种子zhǒng ziNoun: seed
周围zhōu wéiNoun: surroundings, environment
Adverb: around, about
zhūNoun: pig
zhùVerb: to wish, to express good wishes
主持zhǔ chíVerb: to direct, to manage, to preside over
主动zhǔ dòngVerb: to take the initiative
Adjective: active
主任zhǔ rènNoun: director, head
主意zhǔ yiNoun: idea, plan, decision
注意zhù yìVerb: to pay attention to
主张zhǔ zhāngNoun: viewpoint, stand
Verb: to advocate, to stand for
zhuāVerb: to catch, to grab
抓住zhuā zhùVerb: to grab, to capture
zhuǎnVerb: to turn, to convey, to shift
转变zhuǎn biànNoun: change
Verb: to change, to transform
专家zhuān jiāNoun: expert, specialist
专门zhuān ménAdjective: special, specialized
Adverb: specialized
专题zhuān tíNoun: special topic
专业zhuān yèNoun: speciality, major, field of study
状况zhuàng kuàngNoun: condition, state, situation
状态zhuàng tàiNoun: state, condition
zhuīVerb: to chase, to pursue
zhǔnVerb: to allow, to permit
Adjective: accurate, exact
Adverb: certainly, definitely
Relative Clause: in accordance with
自从zì cóngAdverb: ever since
Relative Clause: since
自动zì dòngAdjective: automatic
资格zī géNoun: qualifications
资金zī jīnNoun: funds, capital
自觉zì juéAdjective: aware, conscious, on one’s own initiative
子女zǐ nǚNoun: children, sons and daughters
自然zì ránNoun: nature
Adjective: natural
自身zì shēnAdverb: itself, oneself
自主zì zhǔNoun: autonomy, independence
Verb: to decide for oneself
zǒngVerb: to assemble
Adverb: always
总结zǒng jiéNoun: summary
Verb: to sum up
总是zǒng shìAdverb: always
足够zú gòuAdjective: enough
组合zǔ héNoun: association, combination
Verb: to make up, to compose, to constitute
足球zú qiúNoun: football, soccer
做客zuò kèVerb: to be a guest
作品zuò pǐnNoun: works (literature, art)
左右zuǒ yòuAdverb: about, approximately, around
作者zuò zhěNoun: author, writer

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