HSK 1 Vocabulary List for HSK 3.0

Below you can find a list of all HSK 1 vocabularies for HSK 3.0 which was launched in 2021. We also have a list of the older HSK 1 vocabularies for HSK 2.0.


àiVerb: to love
爱好ài hàoNoun: hobby, interest
Verb: to like


Number: 8
baParticle: indicating suggestion
爸爸bà baNoun: dad
báiAdjective: white, clear
bǎiNumber: 100
白天bái tiānTime: during the day
bānNoun: class, team, squad
Measure Word: for groups, rankings, etc.
bànNumber: half
半年bàn niánTime: half a year
半天bàn tiānMeasure Word: a long time, quite a while
bāngVerb: to help
帮忙bāng mángVerb: to help, to do a favour
bāoNoun: bag, package
Verb: to cover, to wrap, to hold, to include
包子bāo ziNoun: steamed stuffed bun
bēiNoun: cup, glass
běiLocation: north
北边běi bianLocation: north
北京běi jīngNoun: Beijing
杯子bēi ziNoun: cup, glass
běnMeasure Word: for books, files, etc.
本子běn ziNoun: book, notebook
Relative Clause: than, used for comparison
biéAdverb: don’t
别的bié deAdverb: other
别人bié renPronoun: others, other people
bìngNoun: disease
Adjective: ill
病人bìng rénNoun: patient, sick person
Adverb: no, not
不大bú dàAdverb: not too
不对bú duìAdjective: incorrect, wrong
不客气bú kè qiExpression: you are welcome
不用bù yòngAdjective: no need, need not


càiNoun: dish, vegetable
cháNoun: tea
chàVerb: to lack, short of
Adjective: poor
chángAdjective: frequently, commonly, often
chàngVerb: to sing
常常cháng chángAdverb: often, frequently
唱歌chàng gēVerb: to sing
chēNoun: car, vehicle
车票chē piàoNoun: ticket (for bus, train, etc.)
车上chē shàngLocation: on the car/bus/etc.
车站chē zhànNoun: bus stop
chīVerb: to eat
吃饭chī fànVerb: to eat a meal
chūVerb: to go out, to exceed, to happen
Measure Word: for dramas, plays, operas
出来chū láiVerb: to come out, to arise
出去chū qùVerb: to go out
穿chuānVerb: to wear
chuángNoun: bed
Noun: order, sequence
Measure Word: time(s)
cóngRelative Clause: from
cuòNoun: mistake, error
Adjective: wrong


Verb: to hit, to play, to call
Adjective: big, great
打车dǎ chēVerb: to take a taxi
打电话dǎ diàn huàVerb: to make a phone call
打开dǎ kāiVerb: to open, to turn on
打球dǎ qiúVerb: to play with a ball, to play ball
大学dà xuéNoun: university, college
大学生dà xué shēngNoun: university student
dàoVerb: to arrive, to reach
Relative Clause: to, until, up to
deParticle: used before a verb
deParticle: to form an attribute
得到dé dàoVerb: to get, to receive
děngVerb: to wait
Noun: earth, ground, field, land
Number: prefix for first, second, third, etc.
弟弟dì diNoun: younger brother
地点dì diǎnLocation: place
地方dì fangNoun: region, place, location
地上dì shangLocation: on the ground, on the floor
地图dì túNoun: map
diǎnNoun: point, dot
Verb: to nod, to click
Measure Word: a little, a bit
diànNoun: electricity
电话diàn huàNoun: telephone
电脑diàn nǎoNoun: computer
电视diàn shìNoun: TV(-set)
电视机diàn shì jīNoun: TV set
电影diàn yǐngNoun: movie, film
电影院diàn yǐng yuànNoun: cinema
dōngLocation: east
dòngVerb: to move, to act
东边dōng bianLocation: east
东西dōng xiNoun: thing
动作dòng zuòNoun: movement
dōuAdverb: all, both
Pronoun: all, both
Verb: to read aloud
读书dú shūVerb: to read a book, to study, to attend school
duìAdjective: right, correct
对不起duì bu qǐExpression: sorry, I’m sorry
duōAdjective: much, many
多少duō shaoAdverb: how many, how much


饿èAdjective: hungry
èrNumber: 2
儿子ér ziNoun: son


fànNoun: meal, cooked rice
饭店fàn diànNoun: restaurant
fàngVerb: to let go, to put, have a vacation
放假fàng jiàVerb: to have holiday
房间fáng jiānNoun: room
放学fàng xuéVerb: to dismiss students at the end of a school day
房子fàng ziNoun: house, flat, building
fēiVerb: to fly
非常fēi chángAdverb: very
飞机fēi jīNoun: airplane
fēnNoun: minute, point, 0.01 yuan
Measure Word: for 0.33cm, minutes, 0.01 yuan, points, etc.
fēngNoun: wind


gànVerb: to do, to work
gānAdjective: dry
干净gān jìngAdjective: clean, tidy
干什么gàn shén meExpression: what are (you) doing? what should (we) do?
gāoAdjective: high, tall
告诉gào suVerb: to tell
高兴gāo xìngAdjective: happy, glad, cheerful
Noun: song
Measure Word: for almost everything
哥哥gē geNoun: older brother
gěiVerb: to give
gēnVerb: to follow
Relative Clause: with
Conjunction: and
工人gōng rénNoun: worker
工作gōng zuòNoun: job
Verb: to work
guānVerb: to close, to shut, to turn off
关上guān shàngVerb: to close (a door), to turn off (e.g. electrical equipment)
guìAdjective: expensive
guóNoun: country
guòParticle: indicating action in the past
国家guó jiāNoun: country, state, nation
国外guó wàiNoun: overseas
Adjective: abroad


háiAdverb: still
还是hái shìAdverb: still, nevertheless
Conjunction: or
还有hái yǒuAdverb: furthermore, in addition
孩子hái ziNoun: child
汉语hàn yǔNoun: Chinese language
汉字hàn zìNoun: Chinese character
hǎoAdjective: good, nice
hàoNoun: number, day of month
好吃hǎo chīAdjective: tasty, delicious
好看hǎo kànAdjective: good-looking, beautiful, good (movie, etc.)
好听hǎo tīngAdjective: pleasant (to hear)
好玩儿hǎo wán erAdjective: amusing, good fun
Verb: to drink
Relative Clause: with
Conjunction: and
hěnAdverb: very, quite
hòuLocation: back
后边hòu bianLocation: back, rear, behind
后天hòu tiānTime: the day after tomorrow
huāNoun: flower
huàNoun: speech, conversation, words, language
huàiAdjective: bad, broken, spoiled
huánVerb: to give back, to return
huíVerb: to return, to answer, to reply
huìAuxiliary Verb: can, to be able to
回答huí dáNoun: answer
Verb: to answer, to reply
回到huí dàoVerb: to return to
回家huí jiāVerb: to go home, to return home
回来huí laiVerb: to return, to come back
回去huí qùVerb: to return, to go back
火车huǒ chēNoun: train


Adverb: how many
Pronoun: several
Verb: to note, to record, to remember
Measure Word: for blows, kicks, shots
机场jī chǎngNoun: airport
鸡蛋jī dànNoun: (chicken) egg
记得jì deVerb: to remember
机票jī piàoNoun: plane ticket
记住jì zhuVerb: to remember
jiāNoun: family, home, household
Measure Word: for businesses, families
家里jiā lǐLocation: home
家人jiā rénNoun: family member
jiānMeasure Word: for rooms and buildings
jiànVerb: to see, to meet
见面jiàn miànVerb: to meet, to see sbd.
jiāoVerb: to teach, to instruct
jiàoVerb: to be called, to call, to shout
教学楼jiào xué lóuNoun: school building
姐姐jiě jieNoun: older sister
介绍jiè shàoNoun: introduction
Verb: to introduce, to recommend
jìnVerb: to advance, to enter
进来jìn láiVerb: to come in
今年jīn niánTime: this year
进去jìn quVerb: to go in
今天jīn tiānTime: today
jiǔNumber: 9
jiùAdverb: only, already
Relative Clause: with regard to
Conjunction: as soon as, right away, even if
觉得jué deVerb: to think, to feel


kāiVerb: to open, to start, to drive (car, etc.)
开车kāi chēVerb: to drive a car
开会kāi huìVerb: to hold a meeting
开玩笑kāi wán xiàoVerb: to play a joke, to make fun of
kànVerb: to see, to watch, to look at
看病kàn bìngVerb: to visit a doctor
看到kàn dàoVerb: to see, to recognize
看见kàn jiànVerb: to see, to catch sight of
kǎoVerb: to check, to test, to examine, to take an exam
考试kǎo shìNoun: exam
Adjective: thirsty
Noun: class, lesson, course
课本kè běnNoun: textbook
课文kè wénNoun: text, text in textbook
kǒuNoun: mouth
Measure Word: for things with mouths or a mouth full of
kuàiMeasure Word: for a piece
kuàiAdjective: quick, rapid
Adverb: soon, almost


láiVerb: to come, to arrive
Particle: ever since
来到lái dàoVerb: to arrive, to come
lǎoAdjective: old
老人lǎo rénNoun: old people
老师lǎo shīNoun: teacher
leParticle: indicating past or change
lèiAdjective: tired
lěngAdjective: cold
Location: in, inside
Measure Word: for 0.5 km
里边lǐ bianLocation: inside
liǎngNumber: two, some
língNumber: 0
liùNumber: 6
lóuNoun: storied building
Measure Word: for floor
楼上lóu shàngLocation: upstairs
楼下lóu xiàLocation: downstairs
Noun: road, path
路口lù kǒuNoun: intersection
路上lù shangLocation: on a journey, on the road


maParticle: to form a question
马路mǎ lùNoun: street
妈妈mā maNoun: mother
马上mǎ shàngAdverb: immediately, at once
mǎiVerb: to buy
mànAdjective: slow
mángAdjective: busy
máoMeasure Word: for 0.1 RMB
méiAdverb: not
没关系méi guān xiExpression: it doesn’t matter
妹妹mèi meiNoun: younger sister
没什么méi shén meExpression: have nothing, doesn’t matter
没事儿méi shì erExpression: no worries, doesn’t matter
没有méi yǒuVerb: to not have
ménNoun: door
Measure Word: for lessons
menParticle: plural marker for pronouns
门口mén kǒuNoun: door, entry
门票mén piàoNoun: ticket (for cinema, etc.)
米饭mǐ fànNoun: (cooked) rice
面包miàn bāoNoun: bread
面条儿miàn tiáo erNoun: noodles
明白míng baiVerb: to understand
Adjective: clear, obvious
明年míng niánTime: next year
明天míng tiānTime: tomorrow
名字míng ziNoun: name


Verb: to hold, to seize
Expression: which
Pronoun: that
那边nà biānLocation: over there
那儿nà erLocation: there
哪儿nǎ erAdverb: where
那里nà liLocation: there
哪里nǎ lǐAdverb: where
那些nà xiēPronoun: those
哪些nǎ xiēAdverb: which ones
nǎiNoun: breast, milk
奶奶nǎi naiNoun: grandmother (father’s mother)
nánAdjective: male
nánLocation: south
nánAdjective: difficult
南边nán bianLocation: south
男孩儿nán hái erNoun: boy
男朋友nán péng youNoun: boyfriend
男人nán rénNoun: man, men
男生nán shēngNoun: boy
neParticle: to build a question based on already mentioned subjects
néngAuxiliary Verb: to be able to
Pronoun: you (singular)
你们nǐ menPronoun: you (plural)
niánNoun: year
nínPronoun: you (singular, polite)
牛奶niú nǎiNoun: cow milk
Adjective: female
女儿nǚ érNoun: daughter
女孩儿nǚ hái erNoun: daughter
女朋友nǚ péng youNoun: girlfriend
女人nǚ rénNoun: woman, women
女生nǚ shēngNoun: girl, female student


旁边páng biānLocation: beside, aside
pǎoVerb: to run
朋友péng youNoun: friend
piàoNoun: ticket


Number: 7
Verb: to get up, to rise, to start, to establish
Measure Word: for occurrences or unpredictable events
汽车qì chēNoun: car
起床qǐ chuángVerb: to get up (from bed)
起来qǐ láiVerb: to stand up, to get up
qiánLocation: front
qiánNoun: money
钱包qián bāoNoun: purse, wallet
前边qián bianLocation: front, in front of
前天qián tiānTime: the day before yesterday
qǐngVerb: to ask, to invite
Expression: please
请假qǐng jiàVerb: to ask for leave
请进qǐng jìnExpression: please come in
请问qǐng wènExpression: may I ask …?
请坐qǐng zuòExpression: please take a seat
qiúNoun: ball
Verb: to go
去年qù niánTime: last year


Adjective: hot, warm
rénNoun: person, people
认识rèn shiNoun: understanding, knowledge, awareness
Verb: to know, to recognize, to understand, to be familiar with
认真rèn zhēnAdjective: conscientious, earnest, serious
Noun: day, sun
日期rì qīNoun: date
ròuNoun: meat


sānNumber: 3
shānNoun: mountain, hill
shàngVerb: to go up, to attend, to climb
Location: on, upon, previous, upper
上班shàng bānVerb: to go to work, to start work
上边shàng bianLocation: top, on top, above
商场shāng chǎngNoun: shopping mall, department store
上车shàng chēVerb: to get on/into (bus, car, etc.)
上次shàng cìTime: last time
商店shāng diànNoun: shop, store
上课shàng kèVerb: to attend class
上网shàng wǎngVerb: to be on the internet
上午shàng wǔNoun: morning
上学shàng xuéVerb: to attend school
shǎoAdjective: few, little
shéiPronoun: who
什么shén mePronoun: what
身上shēn shangLocation: on the body, at hand
身体shēn tǐNoun: body, health
生病shēng bìngVerb: to get sick
生气shēng qìVerb: to be/get angry
Adjective: angry, mad
生日shēng rìNoun: birthday
shíNumber: 10
shìNoun: matter, affair
shìNoun: experiment, examination, test
Verb: to test, to attempt
shìVerb: is, to be
是不是shì bù shìConjunction: whether or not
时候shí houNoun: time, moment, period
时间shí jiānNoun: time, period
shǒuNoun: hand
手机shǒu jīNoun: mobile phone
shūNoun: book
shùNoun: tree
书包shū bāoNoun: schoolbag
书店shū diànNoun: bookshop
shuǐNoun: water
shuìVerb: to sleep
水果shuǐ guǒNoun: fruit
睡觉shuì jiàoVerb: to sleep, to go to bed
shuōVerb: to say, to speak
说话shuō huàVerb: to speak, to talk, to gossip
Number: 4
sòngVerb: to deliver, to escort, to give, to send
suìMeasure Word: years old


Pronoun: he
Pronoun: she
他们tā menPronoun: they
她们tā menPronoun: they (female)
tàiAdverb: too, extremely
tiānNoun: day, sky, heaven
天气tiān qìNoun: weather
tīngVerb: to listen, to hear, to obey
Measure Word: for canned beverages
听到tīng dàoVerb: to hear, to become aware of
听见tīng jiànVerb: to hear
听写tīng xiěNoun: dictation
同学tóng xuéNoun: classmate
图书馆tú shū guǎnNoun: library


wàiAdjective: foreign, external
Location: outside
外边wài bianLocation: outside
外国wài guóNoun: foreign country
外语wài yǔNoun: foreign language
wǎnTime: late
玩儿wán erVerb: to play, to have fun
晚饭wǎn fànNoun: dinner, supper
晚上wǎn shangTime: evening
wàngVerb: to forget
忘记wàng jìVerb: to forget
网上wǎng shàngVerb: to be online
Location: online
网友wǎng yǒuNoun: online friend
wènVerb: to ask
Pronoun: I
我们wǒ menPronoun: we
Number: 5
午饭wǔ fànNoun: lunch


西Location: west
Verb: to wash
西边xī bianLocation: west
喜欢xǐ huanVerb: to like
洗手间xǐ shǒu jiānNoun: toilet, bathroom
xiàVerb: descend, fall
Location: below, down, under
下班xià bānVerb: to get off work
下边xià bianLocation: under, below
下车xià chēVerb: to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc.)
下次xià cìTime: next time
下课xià kèVerb: to finish class
下午xià wǔNoun: afternoon
下雨xià yǔVerb: to rain
xiānAdverb: early, former, first, before
先生xiān shengNoun: Mister (Mr.), teacher
现在xiàn zàiTime: now
xiǎngVerb: to think, to miss
Auxiliary Verb: to want
xiǎoAdjective: small
xiàoVerb: to smile, to laugh
小孩儿xiǎo hái erNoun: child
小姐xiǎo jiěNoun: Miss, young lady
小朋友xiǎo péng yǒuNoun: child
小时xiǎo shíNoun: hour
小学xiǎo xuéNoun: primary school
小学生xiǎo xué shēngNoun: primary school student
xiěVerb: to write
谢谢xiè xieExpression: thanks!
xīnAdjective: new
新年xīn niánTime: New Year
xíngVerb: to walk, to go
Adjective: capable, competent
Expression: OK
星期xīng qīNoun: week
星期日xīng qī rìTime: Sunday
星期天xīng qī tiānTime: Sunday
休息xiū xiNoun: rest
Verb: to rest
xuéVerb: to study, to learn
学生xué shengNoun: student, pupil
学习xué xíVerb: to study, to learn
学校xué xiàoNoun: school
学院xué yuànNoun: college, institute


yàoAuxiliary Verb: to want to, going to
Adverb: also
Noun: page, leaf
Measure Word: for a page
爷爷yé yeNoun: grandfather (father’s father)
Number: 1
一半yí bànAdjective: half
一边yì biānLocation: one side
Adverb: on the one hand
一点儿yī diǎn erAdverb: a bit, a little
衣服yī fuNoun: clothes
一会儿yí huì erTime: a while
一块儿yī kuài erAdverb: together
一起yì qǐAdverb: together
医生yī shēngNoun: doctor
一下儿yī xià erTime: short time
一些yī xiēAdverb: some, a few
一样yí yàngAdverb: alike, equal to
医院yī yuànNoun: hospital
yòngVerb: to use, to employ, to apply
yǒuVerb: to have, to exist, to be
yòuLocation: right
右边yòu bianLocation: right, right side
有的yǒu deAdverb: some
有名yǒu míngAdjective: famous, well known
有时候yǒu shí houAdverb: sometimes
有些yǒu xiēAdverb: some
有用yǒu yòngAdjective: useful
Noun: rain
yuánMeasure Word: for money (Yuan, RMB)
yuǎnAdjective: far, distant
yuèNoun: month, moon


zàiAdverb: again, once more
zàiRelative Clause: at, on, in
Particle: for action in progress
在家zài jiāLocation: at home
再见zài jiànExpression: goodbye, see you
zǎoTime: early
早饭zǎo fànNoun: breakfast
早上zǎo shangTime: early morning
怎么zěn meAdverb: how
zhànNoun: station, stop
zhǎoVerb: to look for, to seek
找到zhǎo dàoVerb: to find
zhèPronoun: this
zheParticle: indicating action in progress
这边zhè biānLocation: here, on this side
这儿zhè erLocation: here
这里zhè lǐLocation: here
这些zhè xiēPronoun: these
zhēnAdverb: real, true, genuine
真的zhēn deAdverb: really
zhèngAdverb: just now
正在zhèng zàiAdverb: in the process of, in course of
知道zhī dàoVerb: to know, to be aware of
知识zhī shiNoun: knowledge
zhōngLocation: centre, middle
zhòngAdjective: heavy, serious
Adverb: heavily
中国zhōng guóNoun: China
中间zhōng jiānLocation: between, in the middle, mid
中文zhōng wénNoun: Chinese language
中午zhōng wǔNoun: noon, midday
中学zhōng xuéNoun: middle school
中学生zhōng xué shēngNoun: middle school student
重要zhòng yàoAdjective: important
zhùVerb: to live, to stay, to reside
准备zhǔn bèiVerb: to prepare
桌子zhuō ziNoun: table
Noun: word, character
Noun: son
Particle: noun suffix
zǒuVerb: to walk
走路zǒu lùVerb: to walk
zuìAdverb: most
最好zuì hǎoAdverb: it would be best, had better
最后zuì hòuTime: finally, at last
zuǒLocation: left
zuòVerb: to sit, to take (bus, train, etc.)
zuòVerb: to do, to make
左边zuǒ bianLocation: left, left side
昨天zuó tiānTime: yesterday
坐下zuò xiàVerb: to sit down

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