长 (cháng, zhǎng): Translation, Pronunciation and Example Sentences

The Chinese word 长 has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. As a verb, it can mean “to grow” or “to develop”, as in 长大 which means “to grow up”. As an adjective, it can mean “long” or “lengthy”, as in 长时间 which means “a long time”. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the head or leader of an organization or group, such as 部长 meaning “minister” or 团长 meaning “leader of a group”. Overall, 长 is a versatile and commonly used word in Chinese.


Noun: length
Adjective: long

Verb: to grow, to develop
Noun: chief, head




Example Sentences

我的头发长了很多wǒ de tóufǎ zhǎng le hěn duōMy hair has grown a lot
这个花园很长,需要很长时间才能走完zhè ge huāyuán hěn cháng, xūyào hěn cháng shíjiān cái néng zǒu wánThis garden is very long, it takes a long time to walk through it
她长得很漂亮,是所有男生的梦中情人tā zhǎng dé hěn piàoliang, shì suǒyǒu nánshēng de mèngzhōngqíngrénShe is very beautiful and is the dream girl of all the boys
这个问题太长了,我们需要更多的时间来解决它zhè ge wèntí tài cháng le, wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān lái jiějué tāThis problem is too long, we need more time to solve it
我的裤子太长了,需要修剪一下wǒ de kùzi tài cháng le, xūyào xiūjiǎn yīxiàMy pants are too long, they need to be trimmed
这条路有很长的上坡路,要小心驾驶zhè tiáo lù yǒu hěn cháng de shàngpōlù, yào xiǎoxīn jiàshǐThis road has a long uphill section, be careful when driving


长 is part of HSK Level 2 and HSK Level 3 in HSK 2.0. In the newer HSK 3.0 it is part of HSK Level 2 and HSK Level 6.

Learning Card

Learning card for Chinese word 长 with Pinyin and English Translation